Allow Ctrl/Shift-Click to enable/disable all search result filters.

Pacman Ghost 3 years ago
parent 2800dd63c4
commit 9e8ab3094e
  1. 48

@ -40,12 +40,11 @@ gMainApp.component( "search-box", {
gEventBus.on( "app-config-loaded", () => {
// initialize the search result filter checkboxes
let nVisible = 0 ;
let getSrType = this.getSrType ;
$( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox']" ).each( function() {
// check if the next checkbox will have any effect (e.g. if no Q+A have been configured,
// then there's no point in showing the checkbox to filter Q+A search results)
let name = $(this).attr( "name" ) ;
let match = name.match( /^show-(.+)-sr$/ ) ;
let key = match[1] ;
let key = getSrType( $(this) ) ;
let caps_key = { "index": "content-sets", "asop-entry": "asop" }[ key ] || key ;
if ( gAppConfig.capabilities[ caps_key ] ) {
// yup - load the last-saved state
@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ gMainApp.component( "search-box", {
} else {
// nope - just hide it
$(this).hide() ;
let name = $(this).attr( "name" ) ;
$(this).siblings( "label[for='" + name + "']" ).hide() ;
} ) ;
@ -98,14 +98,36 @@ gMainApp.component( "search-box", {
onClickSrFilter( evt ) {
// a search result filter checkbox was clicked - update the user settings
let match = "name" ).match( /^show-(.+)-sr$/ ) ;
let srType = match[1] ;
let state = ;
gUserSettings[ "HIDE_" + srType.toUpperCase().replace("-","_") + "_SR" ] = ! state ;
let isChecked = ;
let srType = this.getSrType( $( ) ) ;
let srTypes = {} ;
let getSrType = this.getSrType ;
// figure out what to do
if ( evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey ) {
// Ctrl-Shift-Click = select/clear all checkboxes
$( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox']" ).each( function() {
srTypes[ getSrType( $(this) ) ] = isChecked ;
} ) ;
} else if ( evt.ctrlKey ) {
// Ctrl-Click = only select this checkbox
$( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox']" ).each( function() {
let srType2 = getSrType( $(this) ) ;
srTypes[ srType2 ] = (srType2 == srType) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// otheriwse, just toggle the checkbox that was clicked
srTypes[ getSrType( $( ) ) ] = isChecked ;
for ( srType in srTypes ) {
isChecked = srTypes[ srType ] ;
let $elem = $( this.$el ).find( ".sr-filters input[type='checkbox'][name='show-" + srType + "-sr']" )
$elem.prop( "checked", isChecked ) ;
gUserSettings[ "HIDE_" + srType.toUpperCase().replace("-","_") + "_SR" ] = ! isChecked ;
// hide/show the corresponding search results
$elem = $( "#search-results .sr[data-srtype='" + srType + "']" ) ;
$elem.css( "display", isChecked ? "block" : "none" ) ;
saveUserSettings() ;
// hide/show the corresponding search results
let $elem = $( "#search-results .sr[data-srtype='" + srType + "']" ) ;
$elem.css( "display", state ? "block" : "none" ) ;
this.updateSrCount() ;
@ -139,6 +161,12 @@ gMainApp.component( "search-box", {
this.$ ;
getSrType( $elem ) {
// get the search result type of a filter checkbox
let match = $elem.attr( "name" ).match( /^show-(.+)-sr$/ ) ;
return match[1] ;
} ) ;
