A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
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""" Test Q+A. """
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.utils import init_webapp, \
check_sr_filters, find_child, find_children, wait_for_elem, get_image_filename, unload_elem, unload_sr_text
3 years ago
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.test_search import do_search
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_full_qa_entry( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test handling of a Q+A entry that has everything."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "qa" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
check_sr_filters( [ "index", "qa" ] )
# bring up the Q+A entry
results = do_search( "full" )
# NOTE: Because the first search result has a ruleid of F1, any Q+A that reference F1
# will auto-show in the rule info popup.
qa_entry = _unload_rule_info_qa()
expected = {
"caption": "F1",
"content": [ {
"question": "This is a full question about something [EXC: those other things].",
"icon": "question.png",
"image": "thought-bubble.png",
"answers": [
[ "On the one hand, it could be this.", "Perry Sez" ],
[ "But alternatively, it could be that.", "Perry Sez" ],
"see_other": "See other errata: Your guru."
}, {
"question": "As a follow-up, what is the meaning of life?",
"icon": "question.png",
"answers": [
[ "It is what you make of it [EXC: See above].", "_unknown_" ]
} ]
assert qa_entry == expected
# check the same Q+A entry in the search results
find_child( ".close-rule-info" ).click()
expected["content"][0]["question"] = expected["content"][0]["question"].replace( "full", "((full))" )
result = results[1]
del result[ "sr_type" ]
assert result == expected
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_info_qa_entry( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test handling of an informational Q+A entry."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "qa" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# bring up the Q+A entry
do_search( "information" )
# check the Q_A entry in the rule info popup
qa_entry = _unload_rule_info_qa()
expected = {
"caption": "I1",
"content": [ {
"icon": "info.png",
"source": "GameSquad",
"info": [
"This Q+A has no question, just answers.",
"And another one"
}, {
"icon": "info.png",
"source": "GameSquad",
"info": [ "And yet another one" ],
} ]
assert qa_entry == expected
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_missing_content( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test handling of a Q+A entry that has no content."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "qa" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# bring up the Q+A entry
results = do_search( "missing" )
# check the Q+A entry in the search results
# NOTE: Q+A captions are ignored by the search engine (since they usually just contain just ruleid's),
# so search terms are *not* highlighted.
expected = {
"caption": "((Missing)) content",
assert len(results) == 1
result = results[0]
del result[ "sr_type" ]
assert result == expected
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_missing_answer( webapp, webdriver ):
"""Test handling of a Q+A entry that has a question but no answers."""
# initialize
webapp.control_tests.set_data_dir( "qa" )
init_webapp( webapp, webdriver )
# bring up the Q+A entry
results = do_search( "unanswerable" )
# check the Q+A entry in the search results
expected = {
"caption": "N1",
"content": [ {
"question": "An ((unanswerable)) question.",
"icon": "question.png",
} ]
assert len(results) == 1
result = results[0]
del result[ "sr_type" ]
assert result == expected
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def unload_qa( qa_elem ):
"""Unload a Q+A entry from the UI."""
# initialize
qa_entry = {}
# unload the top-level fields
3 years ago
unload_elem( qa_entry, "caption", find_child(".caption",qa_elem), adjust_hilites=True )
# unload each content node
qa_content = []
for content_elem in find_children( ".content", qa_elem ):
# unload the top-level fields
content = {
"icon": get_image_filename( find_child( "img.icon", content_elem ) ),
3 years ago
unload_elem( content, "question", find_child(".question",content_elem), adjust_hilites=True )
unload_elem( content, "image", find_child("img.imageZoom",content_elem) )
3 years ago
unload_elem( content, "see_other", find_child(".see-other",content_elem), adjust_hilites=True )
# unload the answers (if any)
answers = []
for answer_elem in find_children( ".answer", content_elem ):
answers.append( [
3 years ago
unload_sr_text( answer_elem ),
find_child( "img.icon", answer_elem ).get_attribute( "title" ),
] )
if answers:
content["answers"] = answers
# unload the info (if any)
info = [
c.text for c in find_children( ".info", content_elem )
if info:
content["info"] = info
content["source"] = find_child( "img.icon", content_elem ).get_attribute( "title" )
# save the content node
qa_content.append( content )
# save the content nodes (if any)
if qa_content:
qa_entry["content"] = qa_content
return qa_entry
def _unload_rule_info_qa():
"""Unload a Q+A entry from the rule info popup."""
popup = wait_for_elem( 2, "#rule-info" )
assert popup
elems = find_children( ".qa", popup )
assert len(elems) == 1 # nb: we assume there's only 1 Q+A entry
return unload_qa( elems[0] )