A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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""" gRPC servicer that allows the webapp server to be controlled. """
import os
import inspect
import logging
from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2_grpc \
import ControlTestsServicer as BaseControlTestsServicer
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2 import \
_logger = logging.getLogger( "control_tests" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: The API for this class should be kept in sync with ControlTests.
class ControlTestsServicer( BaseControlTestsServicer ):
"""Allows a webapp server to be controlled by a remote client."""
def __init__( self, webapp ):
# initialize
self._webapp = webapp
self._fixtures_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixtures/" )
def __del__( self ):
# clean up
def cleanup( self ):
"""Clean up."""
# nb: nothing required here, for now
def startTests( self, request, context ):
"""Start a new test run."""
self._log_request( request, context )
# reset the webapp
ctx = None
self.setDataDir( SetDataDirRequest( fixturesDirName=None ), ctx )
# NOTE: The webapp has now been reset, but the client must reload the home page
# with "?reload=1", to force it to reload with the new settings.
return Empty()
def endTests( self, request, context ):
"""End a test run."""
self._log_request( request, context )
return Empty()
def setDataDir( self, request, context ):
"""Set the data directory."""
self._log_request( request, context )
dname = request.fixturesDirName
# set the data directory
_logger.debug( "- Setting data directory: %s", dname )
if dname:
self._webapp.config[ "DATA_DIR" ] = os.path.join( self._fixtures_dir, dname )
_logger.warning( os.path.join( self._fixtures_dir, dname ) )
self._webapp.config.pop( "DATA_DIR", None )
return Empty()
def setAppConfigVal( self, request, context ):
"""Set an app config value."""
self._log_request( request, context )
# set the app config setting
for val_type in ( "strVal", "intVal", "boolVal" ):
if request.HasField( val_type ):
key, val = request.key, getattr(request,val_type)
_logger.debug( "- Setting app config: %s = %s (%s)", key, str(val), type(val).__name__ )
self._webapp.config[ key ] = val
return Empty()
raise RuntimeError( "Can't find app config key." )
def _log_request( req, ctx ): #pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Log a request."""
if ctx is None:
return # nb: we don't log internal calls
# get the entry-point name
msg = "{}()".format( inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name )
# log the message
_logger.info( "TEST CONTROL: %s", msg )