A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
6.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Extract everything we need from the MMP eASLRB. """
import os
import json
import re
import importlib
import click
from asl_rulebook2.extract.base import ExtractBase
from asl_rulebook2.extract.index import ExtractIndex
from asl_rulebook2.extract.content import ExtractContent
from asl_rulebook2.pdf import PdfDoc
from asl_rulebook2.utils import log_msg_stderr
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExtractAll( ExtractBase ):
"""Extract everything from the eASLRB."""
def __init__( self, args, log=None ):
super().__init__( None, None, log )
self._args = args
3 years ago
self.extract_index = None
self.extract_content = None
def extract_all( self, pdf ):
"""Extract everything from the eASLRB."""
# initialize
default_args = {}
for mod in ( "index", "content" ):
mod = importlib.import_module( "asl_rulebook2.extract." + mod )
default_args.update( getattr( mod, "_DEFAULT_ARGS" ) )
# extract the index
self.log_msg( "status", "\nExtracting the index..." )
args = ExtractBase.parse_args( self._args, default_args )
self.extract_index = ExtractIndex( args, self._log )
self.extract_index.extract_index( pdf )
# extract the content
self.log_msg( "status", "\nExtracting the content..." )
args = ExtractBase.parse_args( self._args, default_args )
self.extract_content = ExtractContent( args, self._log )
self.extract_content.extract_content( pdf )
# verify the index targets
def _check_targets( self ):
"""Cross-check ruleid's and ruleref's in the index against targets in the main content."""
# build an index of known targets
targets = {}
3 years ago
for ruleid, target in self.extract_content.targets.items():
assert ruleid not in targets
targets[ ruleid ] = target["caption"]
# load the list of known missing targets
known_strings, known_regexes = set(), set()
fname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/known-missing-ruleids.json" )
with open( fname, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
data = json.load( fp )
for chapter in data["chapters"]:
known_regexes.add( re.compile( "^{}[0-9.]+[A-Ea-e]?$".format( chapter ) ) )
known_strings.update( data["strings"] )
re.compile( regex ) for regex in data["regexes"]
def is_known_ruleid( ruleid ):
ruleid = re.sub( r"-[A-Z]?\.?\d+$", "", ruleid ) # e.g. "A1.23-.45" -> "A1.23"
if ruleid.endswith( " EX" ):
ruleid = ruleid[:-3]
if ruleid in targets:
return True
if ruleid in known_strings:
return True
if any( regex.search( ruleid ) for regex in known_regexes ):
return True
return False
# check each index entry
first = True
3 years ago
for index_entry in self.extract_index.index_entries:
errors = []
# check the index entry's ruleid's
for ruleid in index_entry.get( "ruleids", [] ):
if not is_known_ruleid( ruleid ):
errors.append( "Unknown ruleid: {}".format( ruleid ) )
# check the index entry's ruleref's
for ruleref in index_entry.get( "rulerefs", [] ):
if not ruleref["ruleids"]:
# check each ruleref
if ", ".join( r for r in ruleref["ruleids"] ) in known_strings:
# NOTE: This is some free-form text that has been split up because it contains commas.
for ruleid in ruleref["ruleids"]:
if not is_known_ruleid( ruleid ):
errors.append( "Unknown ruleref target: {} => [{}]".format( ruleref["caption"], ruleid ) )
# log any errors
if errors:
if first:
3 years ago
self.log_msg( "warning", "\n=== Unknown targets ===\n" )
first = False
errors = [ "- {}".format( e ) for e in errors ]
3 years ago
self.log_msg( "warning", "{}:\n{}",
index_entry.get("caption","???"), "\n".join(errors)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@click.argument( "pdf_file", nargs=1, type=click.Path(exists=True,dir_okay=False) )
@click.option( "--arg","args", multiple=True, help="Configuration parameter(s) (key=val)." )
@click.option( "--progress/--no-progress", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Log progress messages." )
3 years ago
@click.option( "--format","-f","output_fmt", default="json", type=click.Choice(["raw","text","json"]),
help="Output format."
@click.option( "--save-index","save_index_fname", required=True, help="Where to save the extracted index." )
@click.option( "--save-targets","save_targets_fname", required=True, help="Where to save the extracted targets." )
@click.option( "--save-chapters","save_chapters_fname", required=True, help="Where to save the extracted chaopters." )
@click.option( "--save-footnotes","save_footnotes_fname", required=True, help="Where to save the extracted footnotes." )
def main( pdf_file, args, progress, output_fmt,
save_index_fname, save_targets_fname, save_chapters_fname, save_footnotes_fname
"""Extract everything we need from the MMP eASLRB."""
# extract everything
def log_msg( msg_type, msg ):
if msg_type in ("status", "progress") and not progress:
log_msg_stderr( msg_type, msg )
extract = ExtractAll( args, log_msg )
3 years ago
extract.log_msg( "progress", "Loading PDF: {}", pdf_file )
with PdfDoc( pdf_file ) as pdf:
extract.extract_all( pdf )
# save the results
with open( save_index_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as index_out, \
open( save_targets_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as targets_out, \
open( save_chapters_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as chapters_out, \
open( save_footnotes_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as footnotes_out:
3 years ago
getattr( extract.extract_index, "save_as_"+output_fmt )( index_out )
getattr( extract.extract_content, "save_as_"+output_fmt )( targets_out, chapters_out, footnotes_out )
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() #pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter