A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
7.3 KiB

import { gMainApp, gEventBus, gUrlParams } from "./MainApp.js" ;
import { findTargets, getPrimaryTarget, isRuleid, getChapterResource, fixupSearchHilites, hasHilite } from "./utils.js" ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "index-sr", {
props: [ "sr" ],
data() { return {
expandRulerefs: null,
iconUrl: getChapterResource( "icon", this.getChapterId() ),
cssBackground: this.makeCssBackground(),
} ; },
template: `
<div class="sr index-sr" >
<div v-if="sr.title || sr.subtitle" :style="{background: cssBackground}" class="title" >
<a v-if=iconUrl href="#" @click=onClickIcon >
<img :src=iconUrl class="icon" />
<span v-if=sr.title class="title" v-html=sr.title />
<span v-if=sr.subtitle class="subtitle" v-html=sr.subtitle />
<div class="body">
<img v-if="expandRulerefs !== null" :src=getToggleRulerefsImageUrl @click=onToggleRulerefs class="toggle-rulerefs"
:title="expandRulerefs ? 'Hide non-matching rule references. ': 'Show all rule references.'"
<div v-if=sr.content class="content" v-html=sr.content />
<div v-if=makeSeeAlso v-html=makeSeeAlso class="see-also" />
<div v-if=sr.ruleids class="ruleids" >
<ruleid v-for="rid in sr.ruleids" :csetId=sr.cset_id :ruleId=rid :key=rid />
<ul v-if=sr.rulerefs class="rulerefs" >
<li v-for="rref in sr.rulerefs" v-show=showRuleref(rref) :key=rref >
<span v-if=rref.caption class="caption" v-html=fixupHilites(rref.caption) />
<ruleid v-for="rid in rref.ruleids" :csetId=sr.cset_id :ruleId=rid :key=rid />
created() {
// figure out whether ruleref's should start expanded or collapsed
if ( this.sr.rulerefs === undefined || this.sr.rulerefs.length == 0 || gUrlParams.get( "no-toggle-rulerefs" ) ) {
// there are no ruleref's - don't show the toggle button
} else {
// count how many ruleref's have a matching search term
let nHiliteRulerefs = 0 ;
this.sr.rulerefs.forEach( (ruleref) => {
if ( hasHilite( ruleref.caption ) )
++ nHiliteRulerefs;
} ) ;
if ( nHiliteRulerefs == this.sr.rulerefs.length ) {
// every ruleref is a match - don't show the toggle button
} else {
// NOTE: We start the ruleref's expanded if one of the important fields has a matching search term.
// The idea is that the index entry is probably one that the user will be interested in (since there is
// a match in one of the important fields), and so we show all of the ruleref's, since the user may well
// want to check them out.
// OTOH, if the only match is in a ruleref, then the match is probably a reference back to an index entry
// of interest, and the other ruleref's are unlikely to be relevant.
this.expandRulerefs = hasHilite(this.sr.title) || hasHilite(this.sr.subtitle) || hasHilite(this.sr.content) ;
computed: {
makeSeeAlso() {
// generate the "see also" text
if ( this.sr.see_also )
return "See also: " + this.sr.see_also.join( ", " ) ;
return null ;
getToggleRulerefsImageUrl() {
// return the image URL for the "toggle ruleref's" button
return gImagesBaseUrl + (this.expandRulerefs ? "collapse" : "expand") + "-rulerefs.png" ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef
methods: {
onClickIcon() {
// open the search result's primary target
let target = getPrimaryTarget( this.sr ) ;
if ( target )
gEventBus.emit( "show-target", target.cdoc_id, target.target ) ;
onToggleRulerefs() {
// expand/collapse the ruleref's
if ( this.expandRulerefs !== null )
this.expandRulerefs = ! this.expandRulerefs ;
showRuleref( ruleref ) {
// flag whether the ruleref should be shown or hidden
if ( gUrlParams.get( "no-toggle-rulerefs" ) )
return true ;
return this.expandRulerefs || hasHilite( ruleref.caption ) ;
fixupHilites( val ) {
// convert search term highlights returned to us by the search engine to HTML
return fixupSearchHilites( val ) ;
makeCssBackground() {
// generate the CSS background URL for the search result's title
let url = getChapterResource( "background", this.getChapterId() ) ;
return url ? "url(" + url + ")" : "#ddd" ;
getChapterId() {
// figure out which chapter this search result belongs to
// NOTE: This is actually a bit fiddly :-/ An index entry can have multiple main ruleid's associated
// with it, so which one do we choose? Or no ruleid's at all - these are often not associated with
// a chapter (e.g. term definitions), but that isn't necessarily always going to be the case.
// Since the only time we need to do this is in the front-end (so that we can show an icon and
// title background for each index search result), we handle it in the front-end, rather than
// in the backend search engine, or during the extraction process. Strictly speaking, each index entry
// should state which chapter it came from, but this is way overkill for what we need. Instead,
// we look at the ruleid and infer the chapter ID from the first letter (nb: we need to be careful
// handle things like "KGP SSR 2" or "RB CG2".
let target = getPrimaryTarget( this.sr ) ;
if ( ! target )
return null ;
target = target.target ;
if ( isRuleid( target ) )
return target[0] ;
return null ;
} ) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "ruleid", {
props: [ "csetId", "ruleId" ],
data() { return {
cdocId: null, target: null,
} ; },
// NOTE: This bit of HTML is sensitive to spaces :-/
template: `<span class="ruleid" :class="{unknown:!target}">[<a v-if=target @click=onClick>{{ruleId}}</a><span v-else>{{ruleId}}</span>]</span>`,
created() {
// check if the rule is one we know about
let targets = findTargets( this.ruleId, this.csetId ) ;
if ( targets && targets.length > 0 ) {
// NOTE: We assume that targets are unique within a content set. This might not be true if MMP
// ever adds Chapter Z stuff to the main index, but we'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.
// TBH, that stuff would probably be better off as a separate content set, anyway.
this.cdocId = targets[0].cdoc_id ;
this.target = targets[0].target ;
methods: {
onClick() {
// show the target
gEventBus.emit( "show-target", this.cdocId, this.target ) ;
} ) ;