A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

220 lines
8.0 KiB

""" Analyze the MMP eASLRB PDF and prepare the data files. """
import threading
import zipfile
import io
import time
import base64
import traceback
import logging
from flask import request, send_file, abort, url_for
from asl_rulebook2.extract.all import ExtractAll
from asl_rulebook2.bin.prepare_pdf import prepare_pdf
from asl_rulebook2.bin.fixup_mmp_pdf import fixup_mmp_pdf
from asl_rulebook2.pdf import PdfDoc
from asl_rulebook2.utils import TempFile
from asl_rulebook2.webapp import app, globvars
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.utils import get_gs_path
_zip_data_download = None
_logger = logging.getLogger( "prepare" )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/prepare", methods=["POST"] )
def prepare_data_files():
"""Prepare the data files."""
# initialize
args = dict( request.json )
download_url = url_for( "download_prepared_data" )
# initialize the socketio server
sio = globvars.socketio_server
if not sio:
raise RuntimeError( "The socketio server has not been started." )
@sio.on( "start" )
def on_start( data ): #pylint: disable=unused-variable,unused-argument
# start the worker thread that prepares the data files
# NOTE: We don't do this when the POST request comes in, but wait until the client
# tells us it's ready (otherwise, it might miss the first event or two).
def worker():
_do_prepare_data_files( args, download_url )
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
_logger.error( "PREPARE ERROR: %s\n%s", ex, traceback.format_exc() )
globvars.socketio_server.emit( "error", str(ex) )
threading.Thread( target=worker, daemon=True ).start()
return "ok"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _do_prepare_data_files( args, download_url ):
# initialize
sio = globvars.socketio_server
pdf_data = args.get( "pdfData" )
if not pdf_data:
# no data was sent - this is a test of logging progress messages.
del args["pdfData"]
_test_progress( **args )
pdf_data = base64.b64decode( pdf_data )
def on_done( zip_data ):
global _zip_data_download
_zip_data_download = zip_data
sio.emit( "done", download_url )
# check if we should just return a pre-prepared ZIP file (for testing porpoises)
fname = app.config.get( "PREPARED_ZIP" )
if fname:
with open( fname, "rb" ) as fp:
on_done( fp.read() )
with TempFile() as input_file, TempFile() as prepared_file:
# save the PDF file data
input_file.write( pdf_data )
input_file.close( delete=False )
_logger.info( "Saved PDF file (#bytes=%d): %s", len(pdf_data), input_file.name )
# initialize logging
msg_types = set()
def log_msg( msg_type, msg ):
msg = msg.lstrip()
if msg_type == "status":
_logger.info( "[STATUS]: %s", msg )
elif msg_type == "warning":
_logger.warning( "[WARNING]: %s", msg )
elif msg_type == "error":
_logger.error( "[ERROR]: %s", msg )
_logger.debug( "[%s] %s", msg_type, msg )
if msg.startswith( "- " ):
msg = msg[2:]
sio.emit( msg_type, msg )
msg_types.add( msg_type )
# NOTE: The plan was to allow the user to change the default parameters in the UI,
# but this can be done (ahem) later. For now, if they really need to change something,
# they can prepare the data files from the command-line.
args = []
# extract everything we need from the PDF
log_msg( "status", "Opening the PDF..." )
extract = ExtractAll( args, log_msg )
with PdfDoc( input_file.name ) as pdf:
extract.extract_all( pdf )
index_buf = io.StringIO()
extract.extract_index.save_as_json( index_buf )
targets_buf, chapters_buf, footnotes_buf = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()
vo_notes_buf = io.StringIO()
extract.extract_content.save_as_json( targets_buf, chapters_buf, footnotes_buf, vo_notes_buf )
file_data = {
"index": index_buf.getvalue(),
"targets": targets_buf.getvalue(),
"chapters": chapters_buf.getvalue(),
"footnotes": footnotes_buf.getvalue(),
"vo-notes": vo_notes_buf.getvalue(),
# prepare the PDF
gs_path = get_gs_path()
if not gs_path:
raise RuntimeError( "Ghostscript is not available." )
with TempFile( mode="w", encoding="utf-8" ) as targets_file, \
TempFile( mode="w", encoding="utf-8" ) as vo_notes_file:
log_msg( "status", "Preparing the final PDF..." )
# save the extracted targets
targets_file.temp_file.write( file_data["targets"] )
targets_file.close( delete=False )
vo_notes_file.temp_file.write( file_data["vo-notes"] )
vo_notes_file.close( delete=False )
# prepare the PDF
prepared_file.close( delete=False )
prepare_pdf( input_file.name,
"ASL Rulebook",
targets_file.name, vo_notes_file.name, 5,
prepared_file.name, "ebook",
# fixup the PDF
with TempFile() as fixedup_file:
log_msg( "status", "Fixing up the final PDF..." )
fixedup_file.close( delete=False )
fixup_mmp_pdf( prepared_file.name,
False, True, True,
# read the final PDF data
with open( fixedup_file.name, "rb" ) as fp:
pdf_data = fp.read()
# prepare the ZIP for the user to download
log_msg( "status", "Preparing the download ZIP..." )
zip_data = io.BytesIO()
with zipfile.ZipFile( zip_data, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ) as zip_file:
fname_stem = "ASL Rulebook"
zip_file.writestr( fname_stem+".pdf", pdf_data )
for key in file_data:
fname = "{}.{}".format( fname_stem, key )
zip_file.writestr( fname, file_data[key] )
zip_data = zip_data.getvalue()
# notify the front-end that we're done
on_done( zip_data )
_logger.debug( "Message types seen: %s",
" ; ".join( sorted( str(mt) for mt in msg_types ) )
# NOTE: We don't bother shutting down the socketio server, since the user
# has to restart the server, using the newly-prepared data files.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/prepare/download" )
def download_prepared_data():
"""Download the prepared data ZIP file."""
if not _zip_data_download:
abort( 404 )
return send_file(
io.BytesIO( _zip_data_download ),
as_attachment=True, attachment_filename="asl-rulebook2.zip"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def _test_progress( npasses=100, status=10, warnings=None, errors=None, delay=0.1 ):
"""Test progress messages."""
# initialize
warnings = [ int(w) for w in warnings.split(",") ] if warnings else []
errors = [ int(e) for e in errors.split(",") ] if errors else []
# generate progress messages
sio = globvars.socketio_server
status_no = 0
for i in range( int(npasses) ):
# check if we should start a new status block
if i % status == 0:
status_no += 1
sio.emit( "status", "Status #{}".format( status_no ) )
# issue the next progress message
if 1+i in warnings:
sio.emit( "warning", "Progress {}: warning".format( 1+i ) )
if 1+i in errors:
sio.emit( "error", "Progress {}: error".format( 1+i ) )
sio.emit( "progress", "Progress {}.".format( 1+i ) )
time.sleep( float( delay ) )
sio.emit( "done" )