A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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""" Allow the test suite to control a remote webapp server. """
import grpc
from google.protobuf.empty_pb2 import Empty
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2_grpc import ControlTestsStub
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.tests.proto.generated.control_tests_pb2 import \
SetDataDirRequest, SetAppConfigValRequest
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: The API for this class should be kept in sync with ControlTestsServicer.
class ControlTests:
"""Control a remote webapp server."""
def __init__( self, addr ):
# initialize
channel = grpc.insecure_channel( addr )
self._stub = ControlTestsStub( channel )
def start_tests( self ):
"""Start a new test run."""
self._stub.startTests( Empty() )
return self
def end_tests( self ):
"""End a test run."""
self._stub.endTests( Empty() )
def set_data_dir( self, fixtures_dname ):
"""Set the data directory."""
SetDataDirRequest( fixturesDirName = fixtures_dname )
return self
def set_app_config_val( self, key, val ):
"""Set an app config value."""
if isinstance( val, str ):
req = SetAppConfigValRequest( key=key, strVal=val )
elif isinstance( val, int ):
req = SetAppConfigValRequest( key=key, intVal=val )
elif isinstance( val, bool ):
req = SetAppConfigValRequest( key=key, boolVal=val )
raise ValueError( "Invalid value type: {}".format( type(val).__name__ ) )
self._stub.setAppConfigVal( req )
return self