A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
7.6 KiB

""" Manage the startup process. """
import os
import time
import datetime
import threading
import logging
import traceback
import enum
from collections import defaultdict
from flask import jsonify
from asl_rulebook2.webapp import app
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.content import load_content_sets
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.search import init_search
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.rule_info import init_qa, init_errata, init_annotations
3 years ago
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.asop import init_asop
from asl_rulebook2.webapp.utils import parse_int
_capabilities = None
_startup_tasks = None
_logger = logging.getLogger( "startup" )
_startup_msgs = None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class StartupStatusEnum( enum.IntEnum ): #pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
_startup_status = StartupStatusEnum.NOT_STARTED
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def init_webapp():
"""Initialize the webapp.
IMPORTANT: This is called on the first Flask request, but can also be called multiple times
after that by the test suite, to reset the webapp before each test.
# initialize
global _startup_status, _startup_msgs, _capabilities, _startup_tasks
_startup_status = StartupStatusEnum.STARTED
_startup_msgs = StartupMsgs()
_capabilities = {}
_startup_tasks = []
# initialize the webapp
content_sets = load_content_sets( _startup_msgs, _logger )
if content_sets:
_capabilities[ "content-sets" ] = True
qa, qa_fnames = init_qa( _startup_msgs, _logger )
if qa:
_capabilities[ "qa" ] = True
errata, errata_fnames = init_errata( _startup_msgs, _logger )
if errata:
_capabilities[ "errata" ] = True
user_anno, user_anno_fname = init_annotations( _startup_msgs, _logger )
if user_anno:
_capabilities[ "user-anno" ] = True
asop, asop_preambles, asop_content, asop_fnames = init_asop( _startup_msgs, _logger )
if asop:
_capabilities[ "asop" ] = True
3 years ago
qa, qa_fnames,
errata, errata_fnames,
user_anno, user_anno_fname,
asop, asop_preambles, asop_content, asop_fnames,
3 years ago
_startup_msgs, _logger
# everything has been initialized - now we can go back and fixup content
# NOTE: This is quite a slow process (~1 minute for a full data load), which is why we don't do it inline,
# during the normal startup process. So, we start up using the original content, and if the user does
# a search, that's what they will see, but we fix it up in the background, and the new content will
# eventually start to be returned as search results.
if app.config.get( "BLOCKING_STARTUP_TASKS" ):
# NOTE: It's useful to do this synchronously when running the test suite, since if the tests
# need the linkified ruleid's, they can't start until the fixup has finished (and if they don't
# it won't really matter, since there will be so little data, this process will be fast).
_do_startup_tasks( False )
threading.Thread( target=_do_startup_tasks, args=(True,) ).start()
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
def _add_startup_task( ctype, func ):
"""Register a function to run at startup."""
if app.config.get( "DISABLE_STARTUP_TASKS" ):
_startup_tasks.append( ( ctype, func ) )
def _do_startup_tasks( delay ):
"""Run each registered startup task."""
# initialize
global _startup_status
if not _startup_tasks:
_startup_status = StartupStatusEnum.COMPLETED
# FUDGE! If we start processing straight away, the main PDF loads very slowly because of us :-/,
# and since there's no way to set thread priorities in Python, we delay for a short time, to give
# the PDF time to load, before we start working.
# NOTE: This delay only helps the initial load of the main ASLRB PDF. After processing has started,
# if the user reloads the page, or tries to load another PDF, they will have the same problem of
# very slow loads. To work around this, _tag_ruleids_in_field() sleeps periodically, to give
# other threads a chance to run. The PDF's load a bit slowly, but it's acceptable.
# NOTE: If there is a cached search database, things are very fast and so we don't need to delay.
fname = app.config.get( "CACHED_SEARCHDB" )
have_cached_searchdb = fname and os.path.isfile( fname ) and os.path.getsize( fname ) > 0
if delay and not have_cached_searchdb:
delay = parse_int( app.config.get( "STARTUP_TASKS_DELAY" ), 5 )
time.sleep( delay )
# process each startup task
_startup_status = StartupStatusEnum.TASKS_RUNNING
_logger.info( "Processing startup tasks..." )
start_time = time.time()
for task_no, (ctype, func) in enumerate( _startup_tasks ):
_logger.debug( "Running startup task (%d/%d): %s", 1+task_no, len(_startup_tasks), ctype )
start_time2 = time.time()
msg = func()
except Exception as ex: #pylint: disable=broad-except
_logger.error( "Startup task '%s' failed: %s\n%s", ctype, ex, traceback.format_exc() )
elapsed_time = datetime.timedelta( seconds = int( time.time() - start_time2 ) )
msg = ": {}".format( msg ) if msg else "."
_logger.debug( "- Finished startup task (%s)%s", elapsed_time, msg )
# finish up
elapsed_time = datetime.timedelta( seconds = int( time.time() - start_time ) )
_logger.info( "All startup tasks completed (%s).", elapsed_time )
_startup_status = StartupStatusEnum.COMPLETED
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/app-config" )
def get_app_config():
"""Return the app config."""
# initialize
_logger.debug( "Sending app config:" )
result = {}
# send the available capabilities
_logger.debug( "- capabilities: %s", _capabilities )
result["capabilities"] = _capabilities
# send any user-defined debug settings
for key in app.config:
if not key.startswith( "WEBAPP_" ):
val = app.config.get( key )
if val is not None:
_logger.debug( "- %s = %s", key, val )
result[ key ] = parse_int( val, val )
return jsonify( result )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route( "/startup-msgs" )
def get_startup_msgs():
"""Return any messages issued during startup."""
return jsonify( _startup_msgs.msgs )
@app.route( "/startup-status" )
def get_startup_status():
"""Return the current startup status."""
return jsonify( {
"status": _startup_status
} )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class StartupMsgs:
"""Store messages issued during startup."""
def __init__( self ):
self.msgs = defaultdict( list )
#pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def info( self, msg, msg_info=None ):
return self._add_msg( "info", msg, msg_info )
def warning( self, msg, msg_info=None ):
return self._add_msg( "warning", msg, msg_info )
def error( self, msg, msg_info=None ):
return self._add_msg( "error", msg, msg_info )
def _add_msg( self, msg_type, msg, msg_info ):
"""Add a startup message."""
if msg_info:
self.msgs[ msg_type ].append( ( msg, msg_info ) )
getattr( _logger, msg_type )( "%s\n %s", msg, msg_info )
self.msgs[ msg_type ].append( msg )
getattr( _logger, msg_type )( "%s", msg )