A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

400 lines
18 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Extract the index from the MMP eASLRB. """
import os
import json
import re
import click
from pdfminer.layout import LTChar
from asl_rulebook2.extract.base import ExtractBase
from asl_rulebook2.pdf import PdfDoc, PageIterator, PageElemIterator
from asl_rulebook2.utils import parse_page_numbers, fixup_text, extract_parens_content, jsonval, log_msg_stderr
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
"pages": "10-41",
"index_vp_left": 0, "index_vp_right": 565, "index_vp_top": 715, "index_vp_bottom": 20, # viewport
"first_title": "a", "last_title": "X#", # first/last index entries
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExtractIndex( ExtractBase ):
"""Extract the index from the MMP eASLRB."""
def __init__( self, args, log=None ):
super().__init__( args, _DEFAULT_ARGS, log )
3 years ago
self.index_entries = None
self._prev_y0 = None
# prepare to fixup problems in the index content
fname2 = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/index-fixups.json" )
with open( fname2, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as fp:
self._fixups = json.load( fp )
def extract_index( self, pdf ):
"""Extract the index from the MMP eASLRB."""
# initialize
page_nos = parse_page_numbers( self._args["pages"] )
curr_title = curr_content = None
# process each page in the index
3 years ago
for page_no, _, lt_page in PageIterator( pdf ):
if page_no > max( page_nos ):
if page_no not in page_nos:
3 years ago
self.log_msg( "progress", "- Skipping page {}.", page_no )
self.log_msg( "progress", "- Analyzing page {}.", page_no )
# process each element on the page
self._prev_y0 = 99999
elem_filter = lambda e: isinstance( e, LTChar )
3 years ago
for _, elem in PageElemIterator( lt_page, elem_filter=elem_filter ):
# check if we should ignore this element
if not self._in_viewport( elem, "index" ):
if self._is_ignore( elem ):
# NOTE: We identify the start of a new index entry by bold text at the start of a line.
# We then collect the remaining bold text as the index entry's title, until we see some
# non-bold text. This is collected as the index entry's content, until we see the start
# of the next index entry.
# figure out what we've got
if self._is_bold( elem ):
if curr_content is not None:
# we've found the start of a new index entry
if curr_title:
# save the index entry we've just finished collecting
self._save_index_entry( curr_title, curr_content )
if curr_title == self._args["last_title"]:
curr_title = curr_content = None
break # nb: that was the last one - we're all done
curr_title = curr_content = None
if curr_title is None:
# start collecting the title
curr_title = elem.get_text()
# continue collecting the title
curr_title += elem.get_text()
if curr_content is None:
# start collecting the content text
curr_content = elem.get_text()
# continue collecting the content text
if elem.y0 - self._prev_y0 < -1 and curr_content.endswith( "-" ):
# join up hyphenated words
3 years ago
curr_content = curr_content[:-1] #pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
curr_content += elem.get_text()
# loop back to process the next element
self._prev_y0 = elem.y0
# add the last index entry (if it hasn't already been done)
if curr_title:
self._save_index_entry( curr_title, curr_content )
# check for unused fixups
if self._fixups:
3 years ago
self.log_msg( "warning", "Unused fixups: {}", self._fixups )
# process the content for each index entry
3 years ago
if not self.index_entries:
raise RuntimeError( "Didn't find the first title (\"{}\").".format( self._args["first_title"] ) )
def _save_index_entry( self, title, content ):
"""Save a parsed index entry."""
# check if we've started parsing index entries
# NOTE: There is some bold text at the start of the index, which we parse as an index title,
# so we don't save anything until we've actually seen the first index entry.
3 years ago
if self.index_entries is None:
if title != self._args["first_title"]:
3 years ago
self.index_entries = []
# initialize
title, content = title.strip(), content.strip()
if content.startswith( ":" ):
content = content[1:].strip() # nb: this comes after the title, but we don't need it
# save the new index entry
if title == "bold":
# FUDGE! Some entries have "bold" in their content, using a bold font :-/, which we detect
# as the start of a new entry. We fix that up here.
3 years ago
self.index_entries[-1]["content"] = "{} bold {}".format(
self.index_entries[-1]["content"], fixup_text(content)
3 years ago
elif title == "C" and self.index_entries[-1]["title"] == "FFE":
# FUDGE! The colon in the title for "FFE:C" is non-bold, so we parse this as two separate
# index titles ("FFE" and "C") :-/ We can't fix this up in the normal way, since there is
# also a real "FFE" entry, so we do it in the code here.
3 years ago
self.index_entries[-1].update( {
"title": "FFE:C", "content": fixup_text(content)
} )
# save the new index entry
index_entry = self._make_index_entry( title, content )
if index_entry:
3 years ago
self.index_entries.append( index_entry )
def _make_index_entry( self, title, content ):
"""Create a new index entry."""
# initialize
orig_content = content
title = fixup_text( title )
if title.endswith( ":" ):
title = title[:-1]
# check for any fixups
fixup = self._fixups.pop( title, None )
if fixup:
# replace the title
title = fixup.get( "new_title", title )
# do any search-replace's
for sr in fixup.get( "replace", [] ):
new_content = content.replace( sr[0], sr[1] )
if new_content == content:
3 years ago
self.log_msg( "warning", "Content fixup had no effect for \"{}\": {}", title, sr[0] )
content = new_content
# replace the content
old_content = fixup.get( "old_content" )
if old_content:
if fixup_text( content ) != old_content:
3 years ago
self.log_msg( "warning", "Unexpected content for \"{}\" - skipping fixup.", title )
new_content = fixup.get( "new_content" )
if not new_content:
return None
content = new_content
# FUDGE! There are two "Entry" index entries, but one of them should be "Entry (Offboard)" (the parsing code
# is actually correct, since the "(Offboard)" is not bold). We can't really fix this via the usual data-driven
# fixups, so we fix it in the code here.
if title == "Entry" and content.startswith( "(Offboard): " ):
title += " (Offboard)"
content = content[12:]
return {
"title": title,
"content": fixup_text( content ),
"raw_content": orig_content
def _process_content( self ):
"""Extract information out of the index entries into a structured form."""
def fixup_ruleid( ruleid ):
# FUDGE! The index often refers to the same rule as e.g. "O11.4 CG3" and "OCG3" :-/
# We translate the former into the latter.
if ruleid.startswith( "O11.4 CG" ):
return "O" + ruleid[6:] # nb: Red Barricades
elif ruleid.startswith( "P8.4 CG" ):
return "P" + ruleid[5:] # nb: Kampfgruppe Peiper
elif ruleid.startswith( "Q9.4 CG" ):
return "Q" + ruleid[5:] # nb: Pegasus Bridge
elif ruleid.startswith( "R9.4 CG" ):
return "R" + ruleid[5:] # nb: A Bridge Too Far
elif ruleid.startswith( "T15.4 CG" ):
return "T" + ruleid[6:] # nb: Blood Reef Tarawa
return ruleid
3 years ago
for index_entry in self.index_entries:
# initialize
content = index_entry[ "content" ]
# extract any "see also"
mo = re.search( r"\(see (also )?(.+?)\):?", content )
if mo:
see_also = [ sa.strip() for sa in mo.group(2).split(",") ]
if "SW" in see_also or "Class" in see_also:
# FUDGE! See-also's are normally comma-separated, but we don't want to
# split things like "Recovery, SW" or "Class, Personnel Types".
see_also = [ mo.group(2) ]
index_entry[ "see_also" ] = see_also
content = content[:mo.start()] + content[mo.end():]
content = content.strip()
# extract any sub-title
if content.startswith( "(" ):
pos = content.find( ")" )
if pos < 0:
# FUDGE! Some index entries have the closing ) missing :-/
pos = content.find( ":" )
subtitle, content = content[1:pos], content[pos+1:]
subtitle, content = extract_parens_content( content )
index_entry[ "subtitle" ] = subtitle.strip()
if content.startswith( ":" ):
content = content[1:]
content = content.strip()
# extract any ruleid's
ruleids = []
while True:
if content == "A./G.":
break # nb: special handling for "NCC" (National Capabilities Chart)
mo = re.search( r"^(SSR )?[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9.-]+[A-Fa-f]?", content )
if not mo:
ruleids.append( mo.group() )
content = content[mo.end():].strip()
if content.startswith( "," ):
content = content[1:].strip()
if ruleids:
index_entry[ "ruleids" ] = [ fixup_ruleid( r ) for r in ruleids ]
# extract any ruleref's
rulerefs = []
matches = list( re.finditer( r"\[(.+?)\]", content ) )
if matches:
for mo in reversed(matches):
val = mo.group(1)
# NOTE: We search for the ":" from the right, to avoid picking it up in the ruleref text.
pos = val.rfind( ":" )
if pos > 0:
vals = re.split( "[;,]", val[pos+1:] )
ruleids = [ fixup_ruleid( v.strip() ) for v in vals ]
val = val[:pos].strip()
ruleids = None
rulerefs.append( { "caption": val, "ruleids": ruleids } )
content = content[:mo.start()] + content[mo.end():]
index_entry[ "rulerefs" ] = list( reversed( rulerefs ) )
# save the final content
content = re.sub( r"\s+", " ", content ).strip()
if content:
index_entry[ "content" ] = content
del index_entry["content"]
def _is_ignore( self, elem ):
"""Check if we should ignore an element on the page."""
# check if we have a bold item as the first thing on a line
if self._is_bold( elem ) and elem.y0 - self._prev_y0 < -1:
# yup - check if it's near the start of the line
if self._is_near_start_of_line( elem ):
# yup - this is the title for an index entry
return False
# nope - this is a header that indicates a new section (the index is grouped by letter)
return True
return False
def _is_near_start_of_line( self, elem ):
"""Check if the element is near the start of its line."""
if self._args["index_vp_left"] <= elem.x0 <= self._args["index_vp_left"]+20:
# yup (left column)
return True
left = self._args["index_vp_left"] + (self._args["index_vp_right"]+1 - self._args["index_vp_left"]) / 2
if left <= elem.x0 <= left+20:
# yup (right column)
return True
return False
def save_as_raw( self, out ):
"""Save the raw results."""
3 years ago
for index_entry in self.index_entries:
print( "=== {} ===".format( index_entry["title"] ), file=out )
print( "{}".format( index_entry["raw_content"] ), file=out )
print( file=out )
def save_as_text( self, out ):
"""Save the results as plain-text."""
3 years ago
for index_entry in self.index_entries:
print( "=== {} ===".format( index_entry["title"] ), file=out )
if "subtitle" in index_entry:
print( index_entry["subtitle"], file=out )
if index_entry.get( "ruleids" ):
print( "RULEID'S: {}".format(
" ; ".join( index_entry["ruleids"] )
), file=out )
if index_entry.get( "see_also" ):
print( "SEE ALSO: {}".format(
" ; ".join( index_entry["see_also"] ),
), file=out )
if index_entry.get( "content" ):
print( "CONTENT:", index_entry["content"], file=out )
if index_entry.get( "rulerefs" ):
print( "RULEREF'S:", file=out )
for ruleref in index_entry["rulerefs"]:
if ruleref["ruleids"]:
ruleids = [ "[{}]".format(ri) for ri in ruleref["ruleids"] ]
print( "- {} {}".format( ruleref["caption"], " ".join(ruleids) ), file=out )
print( "- {}".format( ruleref["caption"] ), file=out )
print( file=out )
def save_as_json( self, out ):
"""Save the results as JSON."""
entries = []
3 years ago
for index_entry in self.index_entries:
buf = []
buf.append( "{{ \"title\": {}".format( jsonval(index_entry["title"]) ) )
if "subtitle" in index_entry:
buf.append( " \"subtitle\": {}".format( jsonval(index_entry["subtitle"]) ) )
if index_entry.get( "ruleids" ):
buf.append( " \"ruleids\": {}".format( jsonval(index_entry["ruleids"]) ) )
if index_entry.get( "see_also" ):
buf.append( " \"see_also\": {}".format( jsonval(index_entry["see_also"]) ) )
if index_entry.get( "content" ):
buf.append( " \"content\": {}".format( jsonval(index_entry["content"]) ) )
if index_entry.get( "rulerefs" ):
buf2 = []
for ruleref in index_entry["rulerefs"]:
buf2.append( " {{ \"caption\": {}, \"ruleids\": {} }}".format(
jsonval( ruleref["caption"] ),
jsonval( ruleref["ruleids"] )
) )
buf.append( " \"rulerefs\": [\n{}\n ]".format( ",\n".join(buf2) ) )
entries.append( ",\n".join( buf ) + "\n}" )
print( "[\n\n{}\n\n]".format( ",\n\n".join(entries) ), file=out )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@click.argument( "pdf_file", nargs=1, type=click.Path(exists=True,dir_okay=False) )
@click.option( "--arg","args", multiple=True, help="Configuration parameter(s) (key=val)." )
@click.option( "--progress/--no-progress", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Log progress messages." )
3 years ago
@click.option( "--format","-f","output_fmt", default="json", type=click.Choice(["raw","text","json"]),
help="Output format."
@click.option( "--output","-o","output_fname", required=True, help="Where to save the extracted index." )
3 years ago
def main( pdf_file, args, progress, output_fmt, output_fname ):
"""Extract the index from the MMP eASLRB."""
# initialize
args = ExtractBase.parse_args( args, _DEFAULT_ARGS )
# extract the index
def log_msg( msg_type, msg ):
if msg_type == "progress" and not progress:
log_msg_stderr( msg_type, msg )
extract = ExtractIndex( args, log_msg )
3 years ago
extract.log_msg( "progress", "Loading PDF: {}", pdf_file )
with PdfDoc( pdf_file ) as pdf:
extract.extract_index( pdf )
# save the results
with open( output_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as out:
3 years ago
getattr( extract, "save_as_"+output_fmt )( out )
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() #pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter