A search engine for MMP's eASLRB.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

277 lines
11 KiB

import { getJSON, showErrorMsg, showNotificationMsg, hideFootnotes } from "./utils.js" ;
// parse any URL parameters
export let gUrlParams = new URLSearchParams( window.location.search.substring(1) ) ;
// create the main application
export const gMainApp = Vue.createApp( { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
template: "<main-app />",
} ) ;
export const gEventBus = new TinyEmitter() ; //eslint-disable-line no-undef
$(document).ready( () => {
gMainApp.mount( "#main-app" ) ;
} ) ;
// FUDGE! Can't seem to get access to gMainApp member variables, so we make them available
// to the rest of the program via global variables :-/
export let gAppConfig = null ;
export let gContentDocs = null ;
export let gTargetIndex = null ;
3 years ago
export let gFootnoteIndex = null ;
export let gChapterResources = null ;
3 years ago
export let gASOPChapterIndex = null ;
export let gASOPSectionIndex = null ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
gMainApp.component( "main-app", {
data() { return {
contentDocs: [],
3 years ago
asop: {},
isLoaded: false,
} ; },
template: `
3 years ago
<nav-pane id="nav" :asop=asop ref="navPane" />
<content-pane id="content" :contentDocs=contentDocs />
<div v-if=isLoaded id="_mainapp-loaded_" />
created() {
gEventBus.on( "show-target", () => {
hideFootnotes() ;
} ) ;
mounted() {
// initialize the splitter
Split( [ "#nav", "#content" ], { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
direction: "horizontal",
sizes: [ 25, 75 ],
gutterSize: 2,
} ) ;
3 years ago
// initialize hotkeys
jQuery.hotkeys.options.filterInputAcceptingElements = false ;
jQuery.hotkeys.options.filterContentEditable = false ;
jQuery.hotkeys.options.filterTextInputs = false ;
function selectNav( tabId ) {
$( "#nav .close-rule-info" ).click() ;
3 years ago
$( "#nav .tab-strip .tab[data-tabid='" + tabId + "']" ).click() ;
$( "body" ).bind( "keydown", "alt+r", function( evt ) {
selectNav( "search" ) ;
$( "#query-string" ).select() ;
$( "#query-string" ).focus() ;
evt.preventDefault() ;
} ) ;
$( "body" ).bind( "keydown", "alt+c", function( evt ) { selectNav( "chapters" ) ; evt.preventDefault() ; } ) ;
$( "body" ).bind( "keydown", "alt+a", function( evt ) { selectNav( "asop" ) ; evt.preventDefault() ; } ) ;
// initialze the webapp
Promise.all( [
3 years ago
this.getContentDocs( this ),
3 years ago
3 years ago
] ).then( () => {
this.onStartupDone() ;
} ).catch( () => {
// NOTE: Each individual Promise should report their own errors i.e. what could we do here,
// other than show a generic "startup failed" error?
} ) ;
// add a global keypress handler
$(document).on( "keyup", (evt) => {
if ( evt.keyCode == 27 )
this.onEscapePressed() ;
} ) ;
methods: {
getAppConfig() {
// get the app config
return getJSON( gGetAppConfigUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
gAppConfig = resp ;
gEventBus.emit( "app-config-loaded" ) ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the app config.", errorMsg ) ;
} ) ;
getContentDocs( self ) {
// get the content docs
return getJSON( gGetContentDocsUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
// install the content docs
if ( gUrlParams.get( "add-empty-doc" ) )
resp["empty"] = { "cdoc_id": "empty", "title": "Empty document" } ; // nb: for testing porpoises
self.contentDocs = resp ;
self.installContentDocs( resp ) ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the content docs.", errorMsg ) ;
} ) ;
3 years ago
getFootnoteIndex() {
// get the footnotes
return getJSON( gGetFootnotesUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
gFootnoteIndex = resp ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the footnote index.", errorMsg ) ;
3 years ago
} ) ;
3 years ago
getASOP() {
// get the ASOP
return getJSON( gGetASOPUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
this.asop = resp ;
// build an index of the ASOP chapters and sections
gASOPChapterIndex = {} ;
gASOPSectionIndex = {} ;
if ( resp.chapters ) {
resp.chapters.forEach( (chapter) => {
gASOPChapterIndex[ chapter.chapter_id ] = chapter ;
if ( chapter.sections ) {
chapter.sections.forEach( (section) => {
gASOPSectionIndex[ section.section_id ] = section ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the ASOP.", errorMsg ) ;
3 years ago
} ) ;
installContentDocs( contentDocs ) {
// install the content docs
gContentDocs = contentDocs ;
// build an index of all the targets
gTargetIndex = {} ;
Object.values( contentDocs ).forEach( (cdoc) => {
if ( ! cdoc.targets )
return ;
for ( let ruleid in cdoc.targets ) {
let ruleidLC = ruleid.toLowerCase() ;
if ( ! gTargetIndex[ ruleidLC ] )
gTargetIndex[ ruleidLC ] = [] ;
gTargetIndex[ ruleidLC ].push( {
cset_id: cdoc.parent_cset_id,
cdoc_id: cdoc.cdoc_id,
ruleid: ruleid
} ) ;
} ) ;
// build an index of the available chapters resources
function preloadImage( url ) {
// FUDGE! If we try to preload the image immediately (even using a Promise), it causes
// a delay showing the search box background, so we give it a chance to show first.
setTimeout( () => {
// FUDGE! $.get() doesn't do the trick, we have to insert an image element into the DOM :-/
let $img = $( "<img src='" + url + "' style='display:none'></img>" ) ;
$("body").append( $img ) ;
}, 200 ) ;
gChapterResources = { background: {}, icon: {} } ;
Object.values( contentDocs ).forEach( (cdoc) => {
if ( ! cdoc.chapters )
return ;
cdoc.chapters.forEach( (chapter) => {
if ( "background" in chapter ) {
gChapterResources.background[ chapter.chapter_id ] = chapter.background ;
preloadImage( chapter.background ) ;
if ( "icon" in chapter ) {
gChapterResources.icon[ chapter.chapter_id ] = chapter.icon ;
preloadImage( chapter.icon ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
onStartupDone() {
// show any startup messages
getJSON( gGetStartupMsgsUrl ).then( (resp) => { //eslint-disable-line no-undef
[ "info", "warning", "error" ].forEach( (msgType) => {
if ( ! resp[msgType] )
return ;
resp[msgType].forEach( (msg) => {
if ( Array.isArray( msg ) )
msg = msg[0] + " <div class='pre'>" + msg[1] + "</div>" ;
showNotificationMsg( msgType, msg ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ).catch( (errorMsg) => {
showErrorMsg( "Couldn't get the startup messages.", errorMsg ) ;
} ) ;
// check if we should start with a query
let queryString = gUrlParams.get( "query" ) || gUrlParams.get( "q" ) ;
if ( window.location.hash != "" )
queryString = window.location.hash.substring( 1 ) ;
if ( queryString != null && queryString != undefined ) {
// yup - make it so
// NOTE: The content pane flickers as it shows the cover page, then jumps to search result.
// I tried opening the PDF at the target destination, but the same thing still happens :-(
gEventBus.emit( "search", queryString ) ;
} else {
// start off showing the main ASL rulebook
// NOTE: To avoid forcing the user to configure which document this is,
// we assume that it's the one with the most targets.
let targetCdocId = null ;
for ( let cdocId in this.contentDocs ) {
if ( this.contentDocs[cdocId].targets == undefined )
if ( targetCdocId == null || Object.keys(this.contentDocs[cdocId].targets).length > Object.keys(this.contentDocs[targetCdocId].targets).length )
targetCdocId = cdocId ;
if ( targetCdocId != null ) {
Vue.nextTick( () => {
gEventBus.emit( "show-page", targetCdocId, 1 ) ;
} ) ;
// update the UI
$( "#watermark" ).css( "opacity", 0.15 ) ;
this.$nextTick( () => {
$( "#query-string" ).focus() ; // nb: because autofocus on the <input> doesn't work :-/
} ) ;
// notify everyone that startup has completed
this.isLoaded = true ;
gEventBus.emit( "app-loaded" ) ;
onEscapePressed() {
// check if there are any notification balloons open
if ( $( ".growl" ).length > 0 ) {
// yup - close them all
3 years ago
// FUDGE! We used to trigger a click on the close button, so that the balloons would fade out,
// but there seems to be a bug where they would just build up, hidden. Just removing them
// from the DOM is a bit abrupt visually, but it's arguable that it's more in line with what
// the user wants (i.e. get rid of them!)
$( ".growl" ).each( function() {
$(this).remove() ;
} ) ;
return ;
// check if an image is currently zoomed
if ( $(".jquery-image-zoom").length > 0 ) {
// yup - no need to do anything here, the image will un-zoom itself
return ;
// check if the rule info popup is open
if ( this.$refs.navPane.closeRuleInfo() ) {
// yup - let the Escape close it
return ;
// if one of the non-search nav panes are open, switch to the search pane
gEventBus.emit( "activate-tab", "nav", "search" ) ;
} ) ;