Manage your ASL charts, play aids and other documents.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

202 lines
8.1 KiB

using System ;
using System.Text ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using System.Drawing ;
using Manina.Windows.Forms ;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq ;
using log4net ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
public class ChartImage
// NOTE: This table maps shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-Shift-C) to ChartImage's.
private static Dictionary< Tuple<Keys,Keys>, List<ChartImage> > mShortcuts = new Dictionary< Tuple<Keys,Keys>, List<ChartImage> >() ;
private string mFullPath ;
private dynamic mConfig ;
private HashSet<string> mKeywords = new HashSet<string>() ;
private Image mImage ;
private ImageListViewItem mImageListViewItem ;
public ChartImage( string key, string fullPath )
// initialize the ChartImage
mFullPath = fullPath ;
mConfig =[ key ] ;
if ( mConfig == null )
mConfig = new JObject() ;
mImage = Image.FromFile( fullPath ) ;
// parse the shortcut
ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger( "shortcuts" ) ;
string val = mConfig[ "shortcut" ] ;
if ( val != null ) {
Tuple<Keys,Keys> shortcut = parseShortcut( val ) ;
if ( shortcut == null )
logger.Warn( $"Can't parse shortcut: {val}" ) ;
else {
if ( ! mShortcuts.ContainsKey( shortcut ) )
mShortcuts[ shortcut ] = new List<ChartImage>() ;
logger.Info( $"Registering shortcut: {shortcutString(shortcut.Item1,shortcut.Item2)} => ${caption()}" ) ;
mShortcuts[ shortcut ].Add( this ) ;
// prepare for search scoring
if ( mConfig["keywords"] != null ) {
foreach( string kywd in mConfig["keywords"] )
mKeywords.Add( kywd.ToUpper() ) ;
// NOTE: Thumbnails are cached by ImageListViewItem GUID, so we reuse these objects,
// instead of creating new ones every time we reload the search results.
mImageListViewItem = new ImageListViewItem( fullPath ) ;
mImageListViewItem.Tag = this ;
mImageListViewItem.Text = caption() ;
public float getSearchScore( string searchQuery )
// initialize
searchQuery = searchQuery.ToUpper() ;
List< Tuple<string,float> > scores = new List<Tuple<string,float>>() ;
ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger( "search" ) ;
if ( logger.IsDebugEnabled ) {
if ( mKeywords.Count == 0 )
logger.Debug( $"- \"{this.caption()}\": (no keywords)" ) ;
else {
StringBuilder buf2 = new StringBuilder() ;
foreach( string kywd in mKeywords )
buf2.Append( $"{kywd} ; " ) ;
string val = buf2.ToString() ;
logger.Debug( $"- \"{this.caption()}\": [ {val.Substring(0,val.Length-3)} ]" ) ;
// initialize the search score weights
float exactKeywordMatchScore = Program.appConfig.getFloatVal( new string[]{"search","exactKeywordMatchScore"}, 10f ) ;
float leadingPartialKeywordMatchScore = Program.appConfig.getFloatVal( new string[]{"search","leadingPartialKeywordMatchScore"}, 2f ) ;
float internalPartialKeywordMatchScore = Program.appConfig.getFloatVal( new string[]{"search","internalPartialKeywordMatchScore"}, 1.5f ) ;
float exactCaptionMatchScore = Program.appConfig.getFloatVal( new string[]{"search","exactCaptionMatchScore"}, 5f ) ;
float leadingPartialCaptionMatchScore = Program.appConfig.getFloatVal( new string[]{"search","leadingPartialCaptionMatchScore"}, 1f ) ;
float internalPartialCaptionMatchScore = Program.appConfig.getFloatVal( new string[]{"search","internalPartialCaptionMatchScore"}, 0.5f ) ;
// look for keyword matches
foreach ( string kywd in mKeywords ) {
if ( kywd == searchQuery ) {
scores.Add( new Tuple<string,float>( "exactKeywordMatch", exactKeywordMatchScore ) ) ;
continue ;
int pos = kywd.IndexOf( searchQuery ) ;
if ( pos == 0 ) {
scores.Add( new Tuple<string,float>(
Math.Min( leadingPartialKeywordMatchScore * searchQuery.Length, exactKeywordMatchScore )
) ) ;
} else if ( pos > 0 ) {
scores.Add( new Tuple<string,float>(
Math.Min( internalPartialKeywordMatchScore * searchQuery.Length, exactKeywordMatchScore )
) ) ;
// look for caption matches
string caption = this.caption().ToUpper() ;
if ( searchQuery == caption )
scores.Add( new Tuple<string,float>( "exactCaptionMatch", exactCaptionMatchScore ) ) ;
else {
int pos = caption.IndexOf( searchQuery ) ;
if ( pos == 0 ) {
scores.Add( new Tuple<string,float>(
Math.Min( leadingPartialCaptionMatchScore * searchQuery.Length, exactCaptionMatchScore )
) ) ;
} else if ( pos > 0 ) {
scores.Add( new Tuple<string,float>(
Math.Min( internalPartialCaptionMatchScore * searchQuery.Length, exactCaptionMatchScore )
) ) ;
// calculate the total score
float totalScore = 0 ;
StringBuilder buf = logger.IsDebugEnabled ? new StringBuilder() : null ;
for ( int i=0 ; i < scores.Count ; ++i ) {
totalScore += scores[i].Item2 ;
if ( buf != null ) {
if ( i > 0 )
buf.Append( " ; " ) ;
buf.Append( $"{scores[i].Item1}={scores[i].Item2:F1}" ) ;
if ( totalScore > 0 ) {
logger.Debug( $" - {buf}" ) ;
logger.Debug( $" - totalScore = {totalScore:F1}" ) ;
return totalScore ;
private Tuple<Keys,Keys> parseShortcut( string val )
// parse the shortcut
string[] parts = val.ToLower().Split( "-" ) ;
Keys modifiers = 0 ;
for ( int i=0 ; i < parts.Length-1 ; ++i ) {
if ( parts[i] == "ctrl" )
modifiers |= Keys.Control ;
else if ( parts[i] == "alt" )
modifiers |= Keys.Alt ;
else if ( parts[i] == "shift" )
modifiers |= Keys.Shift ;
return null ;
Keys key ;
bool rc = Enum.TryParse( parts[parts.Length-1], true, out key ) ;
if ( ! rc )
return null ;
return new Tuple<Keys,Keys>( modifiers, key ) ;
public static List<ChartImage> checkShortcut( Keys modifiers, Keys key )
// check if there are any ChartImage's associated with the specified shortcut
List<ChartImage> chartImages ;
if ( ! mShortcuts.TryGetValue( new Tuple<Keys,Keys>( modifiers, key ), out chartImages ) )
return null ;
return chartImages ;
public static string shortcutString( Keys modifiers, Keys key )
// return the shortcut as a string
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder() ;
if ( (modifiers & Keys.Control) != 0 )
buf.Append( "Ctrl-" ) ;
if ( (modifiers & Keys.Shift) != 0 )
buf.Append( "Shift-" ) ;
if ( (modifiers & Keys.Alt) != 0 )
buf.Append( "Alt-" ) ;
buf.Append( key ) ;
return buf.ToString() ;
public string caption()
string caption = (mConfig != null) ? mConfig["caption"] : null ;
if ( caption == null )
caption = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( mFullPath ) ;
return caption ;
public Image image { get { return mImage ; } }
public ImageListViewItem imageListViewItem { get { return mImageListViewItem ; } }