A tabbed viewer for Chris Edwards' ASL Vehicle/Gun data cards.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
4.2 KiB

import os
from PyQt5 import uic
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt , pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget , QListWidgetItem
import asl_cards.db as db
from asl_cards.db import AslCard
from constants import *
import globals
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AddCardWidget( QWidget ) :
"""Allow the user to select an ASL card, based on nationality & card type."""
# define our signals
accepted_signal = pyqtSignal( AslCard , name="accepted" )
cancelled_signal = pyqtSignal( name="cancelled" )
def __init__( self , parent ) :
# initialize
super().__init__( parent=parent )
# initialize the widget
uic.loadUi( os.path.join(globals.base_dir,"ui/add_card_widget.ui") , self )
self.lb_cards.setSortingEnabled( True )
w = self.buttons_widget
self.xmargin = w.x()
self.ymargin = self.size().height() - (w.y() + w.height())
# load the widget
for nationality in globals.cards :
self.cbo_nationality.addItem( nationality )
# connect our handlers
self.cbo_nationality.currentIndexChanged[str].connect( self.on_nationality_changed )
self.ok_button.clicked.connect( self.on_ok )
self.cancel_button.clicked.connect( self.on_cancel )
for rb in [self.rb_vehicles,self.rb_ordnance] :
rb.clicked.connect( self.on_card_type_changed )
# select the initial nationality (this will load the rest of the widget)
self.cbo_nationality.setCurrentIndex( 0 )
self.on_nationality_changed( self.cbo_nationality.itemText(0) )
def on_ok( self ) :
"""Accept the currently selected card."""
item = self.lb_cards.currentItem()
card = item.data(Qt.UserRole) if item else None
self.accepted_signal.emit( card )
def on_cancel( self ) :
"""Cancel the widget."""
def on_nationality_changed( self , val ) :
"""Update the widget when the active nationality is changed."""
# reload the available cards for the selected nationality
cards = globals.cards[ val ]
# update the vehicle/ordnance radio boxes
if self.rb_vehicles.isChecked() :
curr_rb = self.rb_vehicles
elif self.rb_ordnance.isChecked() :
curr_rb = self.rb_ordnance
else :
curr_rb = None
self.rb_vehicles.setEnabled( db.TAGTYPE_VEHICLE in cards )
self.rb_ordnance.setEnabled( db.TAGTYPE_ORDNANCE in cards )
if curr_rb is None or not curr_rb.isEnabled() :
for rb in [self.rb_vehicles,self.rb_ordnance] :
if rb.isEnabled() :
rb.setChecked( True )
# reload the cards
def on_card_type_changed( self ) :
"""Update the widget when the active card type is changed."""
# figure out what type of cards to show
if self.rb_vehicles.isChecked() :
card_type = db.TAGTYPE_VEHICLE
elif self.rb_ordnance.isChecked() :
card_type = db.TAGTYPE_ORDNANCE
else :
# reload the available cards
cards = globals.cards[ self.cbo_nationality.currentText() ]
cards = cards.get( card_type )
if cards is None :
assert False
for card in cards :
item = QListWidgetItem( card.name )
item.setData( Qt.UserRole , card )
self.lb_cards.addItem( item )
self.lb_cards.setCurrentRow( 0 )
def keyPressEvent( self , evt ) :
# handle the event
if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Return :
if not self.lb_cards.currentItem() :
def resizeEvent( self , evt ) :
# handle the event
w = self.buttons_widget
self.xmargin , self.size().height() - self.ymargin - w.height() ,
self.size().width() - 2*self.xmargin , w.height()
w = self.lb_cards
w.resize( self.size().width() - 2*self.xmargin , self.buttons_widget.y() - w.y() )