A tabbed viewer for Chris Edwards' ASL Vehicle/Gun data cards.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
2.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import unittest
from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFSyntaxError
from _test_case_base import TestCaseBase
from asl_cards.parse import AslCard
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestSyntheticData( TestCaseBase ) :
"""Run tests using the synthetic PDF files.
We test with some generated test files, since the real "ASL Cards" files need to purchased,
so we can't keep them in source control.
def _test_pdf_parser( self , fname , expected_cards ) :
"""Test the PDF parser."""
super()._test_pdf_parser( os.path.join("synthetic-data",fname) , expected_cards )
def test_null_file( self ) :
# try parsing a zero-byte file
PDFSyntaxError ,
self._test_pdf_parser , "null.pdf" , None
def test_empty_file( self ) :
# try parsing an empty file
self._test_pdf_parser( "empty.pdf" , [] )
def test_1card_file( self ) :
# try parsing a file with 1 card
self._test_pdf_parser( "1-card.pdf" , [
AslCard( page_id=1 , page_pos=0 , card_tag="Vehicle #1" , nationality="Moldovia" , name="Big Tank" ) ,
] )
def test_2card_file( self ) :
# try parsing a file with 2 cards
self._test_pdf_parser( "2-cards.pdf" , [
AslCard( page_id=1 , page_pos=0 , card_tag="Vehicle #1" , nationality="Moldovia" , name="Big Tank" ) ,
AslCard( page_id=1 , page_pos=1 , card_tag="Vehicle #2" , nationality="Moldovia" , name="Little Tank" ) ,
] )
def test_3card_file( self ) :
# try parsing a file with 3 cards
self._test_pdf_parser( "3-cards.pdf" , [
AslCard( page_id=1 , page_pos=0 , card_tag="Vehicle #1" , nationality="Moldovia" , name="Big Tank" ) ,
AslCard( page_id=1 , page_pos=1 , card_tag="Vehicle #2" , nationality="Moldovia" , name="Little Tank" ) ,
AslCard( page_id=2 , page_pos=0 , card_tag="Ordnance #1" , nationality="Moldovia" , name="Big Gun" ) ,
] )
def test_bad_spacing( self ) :
# try parsing cards with bad spacing
self._test_pdf_parser( "bad-spacing.pdf" , [
AslCard( page_id=1 , page_pos=0 , card_tag="Vehicle #1" , nationality="" , name="" ) ,
AslCard( page_id=1 , page_pos=1 , card_tag="Vehicle #2" , nationality="Moldovia" , name="" ) ,
] )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" :