A tabbed viewer for Chris Edwards' ASL Vehicle/Gun data cards.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

362 lines
16 KiB

import sys
import os
import re
import itertools
import time
import datetime
import tempfile
import locale
from collections import namedtuple
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager , PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.converter import PDFPageAggregator
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams , LTTextBoxHorizontal
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
from asl_cards.db import AslCard , AslCardImage
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AnalyzeCancelledException( RuntimeError ) :
def __init__( self ) :
super().__init__( "Cancelled." )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Ghostscript extracts PDF pages to image files - this value defines where to put them.
_EXTRACTED_IMAGES_FILENAME_TEMPLATE = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir() , "asl_cards-%d.png" )
def _find_extracted_image_files() :
"""Find the image files extracted by Ghostscript."""
fnames = []
# NOTE: We assume there are never more than 500 of these.
# This method is used to clean up files left over from a previous (failed) run, so we can't
# just start at 1 and increment as we look for files. We could do some funky stuff with
# os.listdir() and regex's, but we need the extracted files in page order, and it's more
# trouble than it's worth... :-/
for i in range(1,500) :
if os.path.isfile( fname ) :
fnames.append( fname )
return fnames
def _run_ghostscript( args ) :
"""Run Ghostscript.
We have to do a bit of stuffing around to stop Ghostscript from printing warnings to the console.
This code was adapted from ghostscript's _gsprint.py.
# allocate a new Ghostscript instance
# NOTE: We only import the ghostscript stuff if it's needed (i.e. when we get here), so that people
# can run this program without needing Ghostscript to be installed, if they already have a database.
import ghostscript
import ghostscript._gsprint as gsp
inst = gsp.new_instance()
# wrap stdin/stdout/stderr with dummy buffers
def wrap( stdin ) :
return gsp.c_stdstream_call_t(
lambda inst,buf,count: 0 if stdin else count
stdin_buf = wrap( True )
stdout_buf = wrap( False )
stderr_buf = wrap( False )
gsp.set_stdio( inst , stdin_buf , stdout_buf , stderr_buf )
try :
# run Ghostscript
args = [ s.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) for s in args ]
__Ghostscript = getattr( ghostscript , "__Ghostscript" )
__Ghostscript( inst , args )
finally :
# clean up
gsp.delete_instance( inst )
del inst
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class PdfParser:
def __init__( self , index_dir , progress=None , progress2=None , on_file_completed=None , on_ask=None , on_error=None ) :
# initialize
self.index_dir = index_dir
self.progress = progress # nb: for tracking file progress
self.progress2 = progress2 # nb: for tracking page progress within a file
self.on_file_completed = on_file_completed # nb: called at the end of each file
self.on_ask = on_ask # nb: for asking the user something during processing
self.on_error = on_error # nb: for showing the user an error message
self.cancelling = False
def parse( self , target , max_pages=-1 , image_res=None ) :
"""Extract the cards from a PDF file."""
# FUDGE! The Qt directory browser always returns paths using forward slashes, which confuses Ghostscript :-/
if sys.platform == "win32" and target.startswith("//") :
target = target.replace( "/" , "\\" )
# locate the files we're going to parse
if os.path.isfile( target ) :
fnames = [ target ]
else :
fnames = [
os.path.join( target , f )
for f in os.listdir( target )
if os.path.splitext( f )[1].lower() == ".pdf"
# parse each file
cards = []
start_time = time.time()
for file_no,fname in enumerate(fnames) :
if self.cancelling : raise AnalyzeCancelledException()
try :
file_cards = self._do_parse_file( float(file_no)/len(fnames) , fname , max_pages , image_res )
if file_cards is None :
except AnalyzeCancelledException as ex :
except Exception as ex :
if str(ex).lower().find( "can not find ghostscript dll" ) >= 0 :
# NOTE: We get a RuntimeError if Ghostscript is not installed :-/
# We bail, since there's no point trying to parse any more files.
# notify the caller of the error
if not self.on_error :
"An error occured while processing {}:\n\n{}\n\nThis file will be ignored.".format(
os.path.split(fname)[1] , str(ex)
# filter out placeholder cards
file_cards = [ c for c in file_cards if c.nationality != "_unused_" and c.name != "_unused_" ]
# notify the caller we've finished another file
if self.on_file_completed :
self.on_file_completed( fname , file_cards )
if file_cards :
cards.extend( file_cards )
self._progress( 1.0 , "Done." )
elapsed_time = int( time.time() - start_time )
#print( "Elapsed time: {}".format( datetime.timedelta( seconds=elapsed_time ) ) )
return cards
def _do_parse_file( self , pval , fname , max_pages , image_res ) :
cards = []
# check if we have an index for this file
# NOTE: We originally tried to get the details of each card by parsing the PDF files but unfortunately,
# the text was coming out garbled. We allow corrections to be supplied in an external file, but if we're
# going to do that, we might as well not bother parsing the PDF :-/ (especially since it's so insanely slow).
split = os.path.split( fname )
index_fname = os.path.join(
self.index_dir if self.index_dir else "" ,
if os.path.isfile( index_fname ) :
# yup - just generate the AslCard's from that
# NOTE: It would be nice to store these files as JSON, or something similar, but we want
# to keep them easy for end-users to change, if some values need to be tweaked.
self._progress( pval , "Reading card details from {}...".format( os.path.split(index_fname)[1] ) )
for line_buf in open(index_fname,"r") :
line_buf = line_buf.strip()
if line_buf == "" or line_buf.startswith(("#","'",";","//")) :
fields = line_buf.split( "|" )
if len(fields) != 3 :
raise RuntimeError( "Invalid index line: {}".format( line_buf ) )
fields = [ f.strip() for f in fields ]
ncards = len( cards )
cards.append( AslCard(
card_tag = fields[0] ,
nationality = fields[1] ,
name = fields[2] ,
page_id = 1 + ncards/2 ,
page_pos = ncards % 2
) )
else :
# ask the user if they want to try parsing the PDF
if self.on_ask :
rc = self.on_ask(
"Can't find an index file for {}.\n\nDo you want to try parsing the PDF (slow and unreliable)?".format(
os.path.split( fname )[ 1 ]
) ,
QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No , QMessageBox.No
if rc != QMessageBox.Yes :
return None
# extract each AslCard from the file
# NOTE: Some of the PDF's have cards that have not been filled out - we detect this correctly (because
# they don't have a "Vehicle" or "Ordnance" tag, but we barf later because the image extractor thinks
# they're a valid card, and so we get a different number of cards vs. images.
# It's not really worth fixing this, since we're now using index files instead of extracting the info
# from the PDF's (because extraction is giving such poor results :-/).
self._progress( pval , "Analyzing {}...".format( os.path.split(fname)[1] ) )
rmgr = PDFResourceManager()
laparams = LAParams()
dev = PDFPageAggregator( rmgr , laparams=laparams )
interp = PDFPageInterpreter( rmgr , dev )
with open(fname,"rb") as fp :
pages = list( PDFPage.get_pages( fp ) )
for page_no,page in enumerate(pages) :
if self.cancelling : raise AnalyzeCancelledException()
self._progress2( float(page_no) / len(pages) )
page_cards = self._parse_page( cards , interp , page_no , page )
cards.extend( page_cards )
if max_pages > 0 and 1+page_no >= max_pages :
# extract the card images
if image_res :
self._progress( pval , "Extracting images from {}...".format( os.path.split(fname)[1] ) )
card_images = self._extract_images( fname , max_pages , image_res )
if len(cards) != len(card_images) :
raise RuntimeError(
"Card mismatch in {}: found {} cards, {} card images.".format(
fname , len(cards) , len(card_images)
for i in range(0,len(cards)) :
if self.cancelling : raise AnalyzeCancelledException()
cards[i].card_image = AslCardImage( image_data=card_images[i] )
return cards
def _parse_page( self , cards , interp , page_no , page ) :
"""Extract the cards from a PDF page."""
cards = []
interp.process_page( page )
lt_page = interp.device.get_result()
# locate the info box for each card (in the top-left corner)
info_boxes = []
for item in lt_page :
if self.cancelling : raise AnalyzeCancelledException()
if type(item) is not LTTextBoxHorizontal : continue
item_text = item.get_text().strip()
if item_text.startswith( ("Vehicle","Ordnance") ) :
info_boxes.append( [item] )
# get the details from each info box
for item in lt_page :
if self.cancelling : raise AnalyzeCancelledException()
if type(item) is not LTTextBoxHorizontal : continue
# check if the next item could be part of an info box - it must be within the left/right boundary
# of the first item (within a certain tolerance), and below it (but not too far)
eps = 50 # left/right tolerance
for info_box in info_boxes :
if item.x0 >= info_box[0].x0 - eps and item.x1 <= info_box[0].x1 + eps \
and item.y1 < info_box[0].y1 and info_box[0].y0 - item.y1 < 50 :
# yup - save it
info_box.append( item )
# generate an AslCard from each info box
for info_box in info_boxes :
card = self._make_asl_card( lt_page , info_box )
cards.append( card )
return cards
def _make_asl_card( self , lt_page , items ) :
# sort the items vertically
items.sort( key=lambda i: i.y0 , reverse=True )
# split out each line of item text
item_texts = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(
i.get_text().strip().split("\n") for i in items
) )
# ignore short lines
item_texts = [ s for s in item_texts if len(s) >= 5 ]
# generate the AslCard
page_pos = 0 if items[0].y0 > lt_page.height/2 else 1
return AslCard(
card_tag = _tidy( item_texts[0] ).replace( "# ", "#" ) ,
nationality = _tidy(item_texts[1]) if len(item_texts) > 1 else "" ,
name = _tidy(item_texts[2]) if len(item_texts) > 2 else "" ,
page_id = lt_page.pageid ,
page_pos = page_pos ,
def _extract_images( self , fname , max_pages , image_res ) :
"""Extract card images from a file."""
# clean up any leftover extracted images from a previous run
# NOTE: It's important we do this, otherwise we might think they're part of this run.
for f in _find_extracted_image_files() :
os.unlink( f )
# extract each page from the PDF as an image
args = [
"_ignored_" , "-dQUIET" , "-dSAFER" , "-dNOPAUSE" ,
"-sDEVICE=png16m" , "-r"+str(image_res) ,
if max_pages > 0 :
args.append( "-dLastPage={}".format(max_pages) )
args.extend( [ "-f" , fname ] )
_run_ghostscript( args )
image_fnames = _find_extracted_image_files()
# extract the cards from each page
from PIL import Image
card_images = []
for page_no,fname in enumerate(image_fnames) :
if self.cancelling : raise AnalyzeCancelledException()
# open the next page image
self._progress2( float(page_no) / len(image_fnames) )
img = Image.open( fname )
img_width , img_height = img.size
# extract the cards (by splitting the page in half)
fname2 = list( os.path.split( fname ) )
fname2[1] = os.path.splitext( fname2[1] )
ypos = img_height * 48/100 # nb: the cards are not perfectly aligned in the page
buf1 , size1 = self._crop_image(
img , (0,0,img_width,ypos) ,
os.path.join( fname2[0] , fname2[1][0]+"a"+fname2[1][1] )
buf2 , size2 = self._crop_image(
img , (0,ypos+1,img_width,img_height) ,
os.path.join( fname2[0] , fname2[1][0]+"b"+fname2[1][1] )
if not buf1 and not buf2 :
continue # nb: blank page
# check if this is the last page, and it has just 1 card (centred) on it (e.g. ItalianOrdnance.pdf)
cutoff = img_height / 4
if page_no == len(image_fnames)-1 and size1[1] < cutoff and size2[1] < cutoff :
# yup - extract it
buf , _ = self._crop_image(
img , (0,0,img_width,img_height) ,
os.path.join( fname2[0] , fname2[1][0]+"a"+fname2[1][1] )
card_images.append( buf )
else :
# nope - save the extracted card(s)
if buf1 :
card_images.append( buf1 )
if buf2 :
card_images.append( buf2 )
# clean up
os.unlink( fname )
return card_images
def _crop_image( self , img , bbox , fname ) :
# crop the image
rgn = img.crop( bbox )
# trim the cropped region
bgd_col = img.getpixel( (0,0) )
from PIL import Image , ImageChops
bgd_img = Image.new( img.mode , img.size , bgd_col )
diff = ImageChops.difference( rgn , bgd_img )
diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
bbox = diff.getbbox()
if bbox :
# save the cropped image
rgn = rgn.crop( bbox )
rgn.save( fname )
with open( fname , "rb" ) as fp :
buf = fp.read()
os.unlink( fname )
return buf , rgn.size
else :
# nb: we get here if the entire region is blank (e.g. the bottom half of a single-card page)
return None , None
def _progress( self , pval , msg ) :
"""Call the progress callback."""
if self.progress :
self.progress( pval , msg )
def _progress2( self , pval ) :
"""Call the progress callback."""
if self.progress2 :
self.progress2( pval )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_tidy_regex = re.compile( r"[,.()+-]" )
def _tidy( val ) : return _tidy_regex.sub(" ",val).strip()