import sys import os from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt , QPoint , QSize from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication , QMainWindow , QVBoxLayout , QHBoxLayout , QWidget , QTabWidget , QLabel from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog , QMessageBox , QAction from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter , QPixmap , QIcon , QBrush import asl_cards.db as db from constants import * import globals from add_card_dialog import AddCardDialog from startup_widget import StartupWidget # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class AslCardWidget( QWidget ) : """Simple widget that displays the image for an ASL Card.""" def __init__( self , card ) : # initialize super().__init__() self.card = card self.pixmap = QPixmap() self.pixmap.loadFromData( card.card_image.image_data ) def paintEvent( self , evt ) : qp = QPainter() qp.begin( self ) qp_size = evt.rect().size() # draw the AslCard image qp.setRenderHint( QPainter.Antialiasing ) pixmap_size = self.pixmap.size() pixmap_size.scale( qp_size , Qt.KeepAspectRatio ) pixmap = self.pixmap.scaled( pixmap_size , Qt.KeepAspectRatio , Qt.SmoothTransformation ) qp.drawPixmap( (qp_size.width()-pixmap_size.width())/2 , (qp_size.height()-pixmap_size.height())/2 , pixmap ) qp.end() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class MainWindow( QMainWindow ) : _instance = None def __init__( self , db_fname ) : # initialize super().__init__() assert MainWindow._instance is None MainWindow._instance = self # initialize the window self.setWindowTitle( APP_NAME ) self.setWindowIcon( QIcon("resources/app.ico") ) # initialize the menu menu_bar = self.menuBar() file_menu = menu_bar.addMenu( "&File" ) self.add_card_action = QAction( "&Add" , self ) self.add_card_action.setEnabled( False ) self.add_card_action.setShortcut( "Ctrl+A" ) self.add_card_action.setStatusTip( "Add an ASL Card." ) self.add_card_action.triggered.connect( self.on_add_card ) file_menu.addAction( self.add_card_action ) self.close_tab_action = QAction(" &Close" , self ) self.close_tab_action.setShortcut( "Ctrl+W" ) self.close_tab_action.setStatusTip( "Close the current tab." ) self.close_tab_action.triggered.connect( self.on_close_tab ) file_menu.addAction( self.close_tab_action ) action = QAction( "E&xit" , self ) action.setShortcut( "Ctrl+Q" ) action.setStatusTip( "Close the program." ) action.triggered.connect( self.close ) file_menu.addAction( action ) self.tab_widget = None # FIXME! remove this when we make the "add card" dialog a tab self._update_ui() # load the window settings self.resize( globals.app_settings.value( MAINWINDOW_SIZE , QSize(500,300) ) ) self.move( globals.app_settings.value( MAINWINDOW_POSITION , QPoint(200,200) ) ) # show the startup form self.setCentralWidget( StartupWidget( db_fname , parent=self ) ) def start_main_app( self , db_fname ) : """Start the main app.""" # we can now close the startup widget and replace it with the main tab widget self.tab_widget = QTabWidget( self ) self.tab_widget.setTabsClosable( True ) self.setCentralWidget( self.tab_widget ) # open the database db.open_database( db_fname , False ) = db.load_cards() # ask the user to add the first card self.add_card_action.setEnabled( True ) self.on_add_card() @staticmethod def show_info_msg( msg ) : """Show an informational message.""" QMessageBox.information( None , APP_NAME , msg ) @staticmethod def show_error_msg( msg ) : """Show an error message.""" QMessageBox.warning( None , APP_NAME , msg ) @staticmethod def ask( msg , buttons , default ) : """Ask the user a question.""" return QMessageBox.question( None , APP_NAME , msg , buttons , default ) def _update_ui( self ) : """Update the window's UI.""" self.close_tab_action.setEnabled( self.tab_widget.count() > 0 if self.tab_widget else False ) def closeEvent( self , evt ) : """Handle window close.""" # confirm the close widget = self.centralWidget() if type(widget) is StartupWidget : # don't allow this if we are analyzing files if widget.analyze_thread : QApplication.beep() evt.ignore() return else : # check if we should confirm the exit if globals.app_settings.value( CONFIRM_EXIT , True , type=bool ) : rc = self.ask( "Do you want to the close the program?" , QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel , QMessageBox.Cancel ) if rc != QMessageBox.Ok : evt.ignore() # save the window settings # FIXME! handle fullscreen globals.app_settings.setValue( MAINWINDOW_POSITION , self.pos() ) globals.app_settings.setValue( MAINWINDOW_SIZE , self.size() ) def keyPressEvent( self , evt ) : """Handle key-presses.""" if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Escape and globals.debug_settings.value("Debug/AllowEscapeToClose",type=bool) : self.close() def on_add_card( self ) : dlg = AddCardDialog( self ) rc = dlg.exec() if rc == QDialog.Accepted : # add a new tab for the selected card card = dlg.selected_card if not card : assert False return w = AslCardWidget( card ) index = self.tab_widget.addTab( w , ) self.tab_widget.setCurrentIndex( index ) self._update_ui() def on_close_tab( self ) : """Close the current tab.""" index = self.tab_widget.currentIndex() if index < 0 : QApplication.beep() return self.tab_widget.removeTab( index ) self._update_ui()