#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import shutil import glob import getopt from cx_Freeze import setup , Executable from constants import * import asl_cards base_dir = os.path.split( os.path.abspath(__file__) )[ 0 ] build_dir = os.path.join( base_dir , "build" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_extra_files() : """Get the extra files to include in the release.""" def globfiles( fspec ) : fnames = glob.glob( fspec ) return zip( fnames , fnames ) extra_files = [] extra_files.extend( globfiles( "index/*.txt" ) ) extra_files.extend( globfiles( "resources/*.ico" ) ) extra_files.extend( globfiles( "resources/*.png" ) ) extra_files.extend( globfiles( "ui/*.ui" ) ) extra_files.append( ( "asl_cards/natinfo" , "asl_cards/natinfo" ) ) if sys.platform == "win32" : # workaround a cx-freeze bug (already fixed, but after 5.0.1 was released) :wall: >:-/ # https://bitbucket.org/anthony_tuininga/cx_freeze/issues/207/sqlite3dll-not-shipped extra_files.append( os.path.join( sys.base_prefix , "DLLs" , "sqlite3.dll" ) ) return extra_files # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse the command-line options output_fname = None cleanup = True opts,args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:] , "o:" , ["output=","noclean"] ) for opt,val in opts : if opt in ["-o","--output"] : output_fname = val elif opt in ["--noclean"] : cleanup = False else : raise RuntimeError( "Unknown argument: {}".format( opt ) ) if not output_fname : raise RuntimeError( "No output file was specified." ) # figure out the format of the release archive formats = { ".zip": "zip" , ".tar.gz": "gztar" , ".tar.bz": "bztar" , ".tar": "tar" } output_fmt = None for extn,fmt in formats.items() : if output_fname.endswith( extn ) : output_fmt = fmt output_fname2 = output_fname[ : -len(extn) ] break if not output_fmt : raise RuntimeError( "Unknown output format." ) # initialize the build options build_options = { "packages": [ "os" , "sqlalchemy" ] , "excludes": [ "tkinter" ] , "include_files": get_extra_files() , } # cx-freeze doesn't work in a virtualenv on Windows :-/ if sys.platform == "win32" and os.getenv("VIRTUAL_ENV") : raise RuntimeError( "Can't freeze on Windows in a virtualenv." ) # freeze the application # NOTE: It would be nice to be able to use py2exe to compile this for Windows (since it produces # a single EXE instead of the morass of files cx-freeze generates) but py2exe only works up to # Python 3.4, since the byte code format changed after that. # NOTE: We can't call the Linux binary "asl_cards", since we need a directory of the same name :-/ target = Executable( "main.py" , base = "Win32GUI" if sys.platform == "win32" else None , targetName = "aslcards.exe" if sys.platform == "win32" else "aslcards" , icon = os.path.join( base_dir , "resources/app.ico" ) , ) if os.path.isdir( build_dir ) : shutil.rmtree( build_dir ) os.chdir( base_dir ) del sys.argv[1:] sys.argv.append( "build" ) # nb: cx-freeze doesn't report compile errors or anything like that :-/ setup( name = APP_NAME , version = APP_VERSION , description = APP_DESCRIPTION , options = { "build_exe": build_options } , executables = [ target ] ) print() # create the release archive print( "Generating release archive: {}".format( output_fname ) ) files = os.listdir( build_dir ) if len(files) != 1 : raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected freeze output." ) dname = os.path.join( build_dir , files[0] ) os.chdir( dname ) shutil.make_archive( output_fname2 , output_fmt ) file_size = os.path.getsize( output_fname ) print( "- Done: {0:.1f} MB".format( float(file_size) / 1024 / 1024 ) ) # clean up if cleanup : os.chdir( base_dir ) # so we can delete the build directory :-/ shutil.rmtree( build_dir )