A tabbed viewer for Chris Edwards' ASL Vehicle/Gun data cards.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
1.4 KiB

import os
from PyQt5 import uic
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog , QFrame
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap
from constants import *
import globals
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AboutWidget( QDialog ) :
"""Show an About box."""
def __init__( self , parent ) :
# initialize
# initialize the widget
uic.loadUi( os.path.join(globals.base_dir,"ui/about_widget.ui") , self )
self.setMinimumSize( self.size() )
QPixmap( os.path.join( globals.base_dir , "resources/app.ico" ) )
self.lbl_app_icon.setFrameStyle( QFrame.NoFrame )
self.lbl_app_name.setText( "<html> {} <small>({})</small> </html>".format( APP_NAME , APP_VERSION ) )
QPixmap( os.path.join( globals.base_dir , "resources/pacman-ghost.png" ) ) \
.scaled( self.lbl_avatar.size() )
self.lbl_avatar.setFrameStyle( QFrame.NoFrame )
# load the dialog
try :
with open( os.path.join( globals.base_dir , "license.txt" ) , "r" ) as fp :
buf = fp.read()
except Exception as ex :
buf = str(ex)
self.lbl_license.setText( buf )
self.lbl_license.setFrameStyle( QFrame.NoFrame )
# connect our handlers
self.btn_ok.clicked.connect( self.close )