""" Test publication operations. """ import os import urllib.request import urllib.error import json import base64 from collections import defaultdict from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException from asl_articles.search import SEARCH_ALL, SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS, SEARCH_ALL_ARTICLES from asl_articles.tests.test_articles import create_article, edit_article from asl_articles.tests.utils import init_tests, load_fixtures, select_main_menu_option, select_sr_menu_option, \ do_search, get_search_results, get_search_result_names, check_search_result, \ wait_for, wait_for_elem, wait_for_not_elem, find_child, find_children, find_search_result, set_elem_text, \ set_toast_marker, check_toast, send_upload_data, check_ask_dialog, check_error_msg, \ change_image, get_publication_row from asl_articles.tests.react_select import ReactSelect # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_edit_publication( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test editing publications.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="publications.json" ) # edit "ASL Journal #2" results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) sr = find_search_result( "ASL Journal (2)", results ) edit_publication( sr, { "name": " ASL Journal (updated) ", "edition": " 2a ", "description": " Updated ASLJ description. ", "tags": [ "+abc", "+xyz" ], "url": " http://aslj-updated.com ", } ) # check that the search result was updated in the UI expected = [ "ASL Journal (updated)", "2a", "Updated ASLJ description.", ["abc","xyz"], "http://aslj-updated.com/" ] sr = find_search_result( "ASL Journal (updated) (2a)" ) check_search_result( sr, _check_sr, expected ) # NOTE: We used to try to remove all fields from "ASL Journal #2" (which should fail, since we can't # have an empty name), but we can no longer remove an existing publication name (which is OK, since we # don't want to allow that, only change it). # check that the publication was updated in the database results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) sr = find_search_result( "ASL Journal (updated) (2a)", results ) check_search_result( sr, _check_sr, expected ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_create_publication( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test creating new publications.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="publications.json" ) do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) # try creating a publication with no name (should fail) create_publication( {}, toast_type=None ) check_error_msg( "Please specify the publication's name." ) # enter a name and other details edit_publication( None, { # nb: the form is still on-screen "name": "New publication", "edition": "#1", "description": "New publication description.", "tags": [ "+111", "+222", "+333" ], "url": "http://new-publication.com" } ) # check that the new publication appears in the UI expected = [ "New publication", "#1", "New publication description.", ["111","222","333"], "http://new-publication.com/" ] check_search_result( "New publication (#1)", _check_sr, expected ) # check that the new publication has been saved in the database results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) sr = find_search_result( "New publication (#1)", results ) check_search_result( sr, _check_sr, expected ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_delete_publication( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test deleting publications.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="publications.json" ) # start to delete a publication, but cancel the operation article_name = "ASL Journal (2)" results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) sr = find_search_result( article_name, results ) select_sr_menu_option( sr, "delete" ) check_ask_dialog( ( "Delete this publication?", article_name ), "cancel" ) # check that search results are unchanged on-screen results2 = get_search_results() assert results2 == results # check that the search results are unchanged in the database results3 = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) assert results3 == results # delete the publication sr = find_search_result( article_name, results3 ) select_sr_menu_option( sr, "delete" ) set_toast_marker( "info" ) check_ask_dialog( ( "Delete this publication?", article_name ), "ok" ) wait_for( 2, lambda: check_toast( "info", "The publication was deleted." ) ) # check that search result was removed on-screen wait_for( 2, lambda: article_name not in get_search_result_names() ) # check that the search result was deleted from the database results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) assert article_name not in get_search_result_names( results ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_images( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): #pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Test publication images.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, max_image_upload_size=2*1024 ) def check_image( expected ): # check the image in the publication's search result def check_sr_image( expected ): img = find_child( "img.image", pub_sr ) if expected: expected_url = flask_app.url_for( "get_image", image_type="publication", image_id=pub_id ) image_url = img.get_attribute( "src" ).split( "?" )[0] return image_url == expected_url else: return not img wait_for( 2, lambda: check_sr_image( expected ) ) # check the image in the publisher's config select_sr_menu_option( pub_sr, "edit" ) dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#publication-form" ) if expected: # make sure there is an image img = find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg ) image_url = img.get_attribute( "src" ) assert "/images/publication/{}".format( pub_id ) in image_url # make sure the "remove image" icon is visible btn = find_child( ".row.image .remove-image", dlg ) assert btn.is_displayed() # make sure the publication's image is correct resp = urllib.request.urlopen( image_url ).read() assert resp == open( expected, "rb" ).read() else: # make sure there is no image img = find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg ) assert img.get_attribute( "src" ).endswith( "/images/placeholder.png" ) # make sure the "remove image" icon is hidden btn = find_child( ".row.image .remove-image", dlg ) assert not btn.is_displayed() # make sure the publication's image is not available url = flask_app.url_for( "get_image", image_type="publication", image_id=pub_id ) try: resp = urllib.request.urlopen( url ) assert False, "Should never get here!" except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: assert ex.code == 404 find_child( ".cancel", dlg ).click() # create an publication with no image create_publication( {"name": "Test Publication" } ) results = get_search_results() assert len(results) == 1 pub_sr = results[0] pub_id = pub_sr.get_attribute( "testing--pub_id" ) check_image( None ) # add an image to the publication fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/1.gif" ) edit_publication( pub_sr, { "image": fname } ) check_image( fname ) # change the publication's image fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/2.gif" ) edit_publication( pub_sr, { "image": fname } ) check_image( fname ) # remove the publication's image edit_publication( pub_sr, { "image": None } ) check_image( None ) # try to upload an image that's too large select_sr_menu_option( pub_sr, "edit" ) dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#publication-form" ) data = base64.b64encode( 5000 * b" " ) data = "{}|{}".format( "too-big.png", data.decode("ascii") ) send_upload_data( data, lambda: find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg ).click() ) check_error_msg( "The file must be no more than 2 KB in size." ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_parent_publisher( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test setting a publication's parent publisher.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="parents.json" ) def check_result( sr, expected_parent ): #pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # check that the parent publisher was updated in the UI elem = find_child( ".header .publisher", sr ) if expected_parent: if elem.text != "{}".format( expected_parent[1] ): return None else: if elem is not None: return None # check that the parent publisher was updated in the database pub_id = sr.get_attribute( "testing--pub_id" ) url = flask_app.url_for( "get_publication", pub_id=pub_id ) pub = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen( url ) ) if expected_parent: if pub["publ_id"] != expected_parent[0]: return None else: if pub["publ_id"] is not None: return None # check that the parent publisher was updated in the UI results = do_search( '"MMP News"' ) assert len(results) == 1 sr = results[0] elem = find_child( ".header .publisher", sr ) if expected_parent: if elem.text != "{}".format( expected_parent[1] ): return None else: if elem is not None: return None return sr # create a publication with no parent publisher create_publication( { "name": "MMP News" } ) results = get_search_results() assert len(results) == 1 sr = wait_for( 2, lambda: check_result( results[0], None ) ) # change the publication to have a publisher edit_publication( sr, { "publisher": "Multiman Publishing" } ) sr = wait_for( 2, lambda: check_result( sr, (1, "Multiman Publishing") ) ) # change the publication back to having no publisher edit_publication( sr, { "publisher": "(none)" } ) sr = wait_for( 2, lambda: check_result( results[0], None ) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_cascading_deletes( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test cascading deletes.""" # initialize session = init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ) def do_test( pub_name, expected_warning, expected_articles ): # initialize load_fixtures( session, "cascading-deletes-2.json" ) results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL ) # delete the specified publication sr = find_search_result( pub_name, results ) select_sr_menu_option( sr, "delete" ) check_ask_dialog( ( "Delete this publication?", pub_name, expected_warning ), "ok" ) def check_results(): results = wait_for( 2, lambda: get_results( len(expected_articles) ) ) assert set( results ) == set( expected_articles ) def get_results( expected_len ): # NOTE: The UI will remove anything that has been deleted, so we need to # give it a bit of time to finish doing this. try: results = get_search_result_names() except StaleElementReferenceException: return None results = [ r for r in results if r.startswith( "article" ) ] if len(results) == expected_len: return results return None # check that deleted associated articles were removed from the UI check_results() # check that associated articles were removed from the database results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_ARTICLES ) check_results() # do the tests do_test( "Cascading Deletes 1", "No articles will be deleted", ["article 2","article 3a","article 3b"] ) do_test( "Cascading Deletes 2", "1 associated article will also be deleted", ["article 3a","article 3b"] ) do_test( "Cascading Deletes 3", "2 associated articles will also be deleted", ["article 2"] ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_unicode( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test Unicode content.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ) # create a publication with Unicode content create_publication( { "name": "japan = \u65e5\u672c", "edition": "\u263a", "tags": [ "+\u0e51", "+\u0e52", "+\u0e53" ], "url": "http://\ud55c\uad6d.com", "description": "greece = \u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03b1" } ) # check that the new publication is showing the Unicode content correctly results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS ) assert len( results ) == 1 check_search_result( results[0], _check_sr, [ "japan = \u65e5\u672c", "\u263a", "greece = \u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03b1", [ "\u0e51", "\u0e52", "\u0e53" ], "http://xn--3e0b707e.com/" ] ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_clean_html( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test cleaning HTML content.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ) # create a publication with HTML content create_publication( { "name": "name: bold xxx italic", "edition": "2", "description": "bad stuff here: " }, toast_type="warning" ) # check that the HTML was cleaned sr = check_search_result( None, _check_sr, [ "name: bold xxx italic", "2", "bad stuff here:", [], None ] ) assert find_child( ".name", sr ).get_attribute( "innerHTML" ) \ == "name: bold xxx italic (2)" assert check_toast( "warning", "Some values had HTML removed.", contains=True ) # update the publication with new HTML content edit_publication( sr, { "name": "
" }, toast_type="warning" ) results = get_search_results() assert len(results) == 1 wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child( ".name", results[0] ).text == "updated (2)" ) assert check_toast( "warning", "Some values had HTML removed.", contains=True ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_timestamps( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test setting of timestamps.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ) # create a publication create_publication( { "name": "My Publication" } ) results = get_search_results() assert len(results) == 1 pub_sr = results[0] pub_id = pub_sr.get_attribute( "testing--pub_id" ) # check its timestamps row = get_publication_row( dbconn, pub_id, ["time_created","time_updated"] ) assert row[0] assert row[1] is None # update the publication edit_publication( pub_sr, { "name": "My Publication (updated)" } ) # check its timestamps row2 = get_publication_row( dbconn, pub_id, ["time_created","time_updated"] ) assert row2[0] == row[0] assert row2[1] > row2[0] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_article_order( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ): """Test ordering of articles.""" # initialize init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="article-order.json" ) def check_article_order( expected ): # check the article order in the database articles = defaultdict( list ) query = dbconn.execute( "SELECT pub_name, article_title, article_seqno" " FROM article LEFT JOIN publication" " ON article.pub_id = publication.pub_id" " ORDER BY article.pub_id, article_seqno" ) for row in query: articles[ row[0] ].append( ( row[1], row[2] ) ) assert articles == expected # check the article order in the UI results = do_search( SEARCH_ALL ) for pub_name in expected: if not pub_name: continue sr = find_search_result( pub_name, results ) select_sr_menu_option( sr, "edit" ) dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#publication-form" ) articles = [ a.text for a in find_children( ".articles li.draggable", dlg ) ] find_child( ".cancel", dlg ).click() assert articles == [ a[0] for a in expected[pub_name] ] # create some articles (to check the seq# is being assigned correctly) create_article( { "title": "Article 1", "publication": "Publication A" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 1",1) ] } ) create_article( { "title": "Article 2", "publication": "Publication A" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 1",1), ("Article 2",2) ] } ) create_article( { "title": "Article 3", "publication": "Publication A" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 1",1), ("Article 2",2), ("Article 3",3) ] } ) # create some articles (to check the seq# is being assigned correctly) create_article( { "title": "Article 5", "publication": "Publication B" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 1",1), ("Article 2",2), ("Article 3",3) ], "Publication B": [ ("Article 5",1) ] } ) create_article( { "title": "Article 6", "publication": "Publication B" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 1",1), ("Article 2",2), ("Article 3",3) ], "Publication B": [ ("Article 5",1), ("Article 6",2) ] } ) # NOTE: It would be nice to test re-ordering articles via drag-and-drop, # but Selenium just ain't co-operating... :-/ # move an article to another publication sr = find_search_result( "Article 1" ) edit_article( sr, { "publication": "Publication B" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 2",2), ("Article 3",3) ], "Publication B": [ ("Article 5",1), ("Article 6",2), ("Article 1",3) ] } ) # remove the article from the publication sr = find_search_result( "Article 1" ) edit_article( sr, { "publication": "(none)" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 2",2), ("Article 3",3) ], "Publication B": [ ("Article 5",1), ("Article 6",2) ], None: [ ("Article 1", None) ] } ) # add the article to another publication sr = find_search_result( "Article 1" ) edit_article( sr, { "publication": "Publication A" } ) check_article_order( { "Publication A": [ ("Article 2",2), ("Article 3",3), ("Article 1",4) ], "Publication B": [ ("Article 5",1), ("Article 6",2) ], } ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_publication( vals, toast_type="info" ): """Create a new publication.""" # initialize if toast_type: set_toast_marker( toast_type ) # create the new publication select_main_menu_option( "new-publication" ) dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#publication-form" ) for key,val in vals.items(): if key == "name": elem = find_child( ".row.name .react-select input", dlg ) set_elem_text( elem, val ) elem.send_keys( Keys.RETURN ) elif key == "tags": select = ReactSelect( find_child( ".row.tags .react-select", dlg ) ) select.update_multiselect_values( *val ) else: sel = ".row.{} {}".format( key , "textarea" if key == "description" else "input" ) set_elem_text( find_child( sel, dlg ), val ) find_child( "button.ok", dlg ).click() if toast_type: # check that the new publication was created successfully wait_for( 2, lambda: check_toast( toast_type, "created OK", contains=True ) ) wait_for_not_elem( 2, "#publication-form" ) def edit_publication( sr, vals, toast_type="info", expected_error=None ): """Edit a publication's details.""" # initialize if sr: select_sr_menu_option( sr, "edit" ) else: pass # nb: we assume that the dialog is already on-screen dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, "#publication-form" ) # update the specified publication's details for key,val in vals.items(): if key == "image": if val: data = base64.b64encode( open( val, "rb" ).read() ) data = "{}|{}".format( os.path.split(val)[1], data.decode("ascii") ) change_image( find_child( ".row.image img.image", dlg ), data ) else: find_child( ".row.image .remove-image", dlg ).click() elif key == "name": elem = find_child( ".row.name .react-select input", dlg ) set_elem_text( elem, val ) elem.send_keys( Keys.RETURN ) elif key == "publisher": select = ReactSelect( find_child( ".row.publisher .react-select", dlg ) ) select.select_by_name( val ) elif key == "tags": select = ReactSelect( find_child( ".row.tags .react-select", dlg ) ) select.update_multiselect_values( *val ) else: sel = ".row.{} {}".format( key , "textarea" if key == "description" else "input" ) set_elem_text( find_child( sel, dlg ), val ) set_toast_marker( toast_type ) find_child( "button.ok", dlg ).click() # check what happened if expected_error: # we were expecting an error, confirm the error message check_error_msg( expected_error ) else: # we were expecting the update to work, confirm this expected = "updated OK" if sr else "created OK" wait_for( 2, lambda: check_toast( toast_type, expected, contains=True ) ) wait_for_not_elem( 2, "#publication-form" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _check_sr( sr, expected ): """Check a search result.""" # check the name and edition expected_name = expected[0] if expected[1]: expected_name += " ({})".format( expected[1] ) if find_child( ".name", sr ).text != expected_name: return False # check the description if find_child( ".description", sr ).text != expected[2]: return False # check the tags tags = [ t.text for t in find_children( ".tag", sr ) ] if tags != expected[3]: return False # check the publication's link elem = find_child( "a.open-link", sr ) if expected[4]: assert elem if elem.get_attribute( "href" ) != expected[4]: return False else: assert elem is None return True