import React from "react" ; import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server" ; import { gAppRef } from "./App.js" ; const isEqual = require( "lodash.isequal" ) ; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- export function checkConstraints( required, requiredCaption, optional, optionalCaption, accept ) { // check if constraints have been disabled (for testing porpoises only) if ( gAppRef.isDisableConstraints() ) { accept() ; return ; } // check the required constraints let msgs=[], setFocusTo=null ; if ( required ) { for ( let constraint of required ) { if ( constraint[0]() ) { msgs.push( constraint[1] ) ; if ( constraint[2] && !setFocusTo ) setFocusTo = constraint[2] ; } } } if ( msgs.length > 0 ) { gAppRef.showErrorMsg( makeSmartBulletList( requiredCaption, msgs, "constraint" ), setFocusTo ) ; return ; } // check the optional constraints if ( optional ) { for ( let constraint of optional ) { if ( constraint[0]() ) { msgs.push( constraint[1] ) ; if ( constraint[2] && !setFocusTo ) setFocusTo = constraint[2] ; } } } if ( msgs.length > 0 ) { // some constraints failed - ask the user if they want to continue let content =
{ makeSmartBulletList( optionalCaption, msgs, "constraint" ) }
; gAppRef.ask( content, "ask", { OK: () => { accept() }, Cancel: null }, setFocusTo ) ; return ; } // everything passed - accept the values accept() ; } export function confirmDiscardChanges( oldVals, newVals, accept ) { // check if confirmations have been disabled (for testing porpoises only) if ( gAppRef.isDisableConfirmDiscardChanges() ) { accept() ; return ; } // check if the values have changed if ( isEqual( oldVals, newVals ) ) { // nope - just do it accept() ; } else { // yup - ask the user to confirm first gAppRef.ask( "Do you want to discard your changes?", "ask", { OK: accept, Cancel: null, } ) ; } } export function sortSelectableOptions( options ) { options.sort( (lhs,rhs) => { lhs = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup( lhs.label ) ; rhs = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup( rhs.label ) ; return lhs.localeCompare( rhs ) ; } ) ; } export function unloadCreatableSelect( sel ) { // unload the values from a CreatableSelect if ( ! sel.state.value ) return [] ; const vals = sel.state.value ; // dedupe the values (trying to preserve order) let vals2=[], used={} ; vals.forEach( val => { if ( ! used[ val.label ] ) { vals2.push( val ) ; used[ val.label ] = true ; } } ) ; return vals2 ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- export function applyUpdatedVals( vals, newVals, updated, refs ) { // NOTE: After the user has edited an object, we send the new values to the server to store in // the database, but the server will sometimes return modified values back e.g. because unsafe HTML // was removed, or the ID's of newly-created authors. This function applies these new values back // into the original table of values. for ( let r in refs ) vals[ r ] = (updated && updated[r] !== undefined) ? updated[r] : newVals[r] ; // NOTE: We sometimes want to force an entry into the vals that doesn't have // an associated ref (i.e. UI element) e.g. XXX_image_id. for ( let key in updated ) vals[ key ] = updated[ key ] ; } export function removeSpecialFields( vals ) { // NOTE: This removes special fields sent to us by the backend containing content that has search terms highlighted. // We only really need to remove author names for articles, since the backend sends us these (possibly highlighted) // as well as the ID's, but they could be incorrect after the user has edited an article. However, for consistency, // we remove all these special fields for everything. let keysToDelete = [] ; for ( let key in vals ) { if ( key[ key.length-1 ] === "!" ) keysToDelete.push( key ) ; } keysToDelete.forEach( k => delete vals[k] ) ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: The format of a scenario display name is "SCENARIO NAME [SCENARIO ID]". export function makeScenarioDisplayName( scenario ) { let scenario_display_id, scenario_name if ( Array.isArray( scenario ) ) { // we've been given a scenario ID/name scenario_display_id = scenario[0] ; scenario_name = scenario[1] ; } else { // we've been given a scenario object (dict) scenario_display_id = scenario.scenario_display_id ; scenario_name = scenario.scenario_name ; } if ( scenario_name && scenario_display_id ) return scenario_name + " [" + scenario_display_id + "]" ; else if ( scenario_name ) return scenario_name ; else if ( scenario_display_id ) return scenario_display_id ; else return "???" ; } export function parseScenarioDisplayName( displayName ) { // try to locate the scenario ID displayName = displayName.trim() ; let scenarioId=null, scenarioName=displayName ; if ( displayName[ displayName.length-1 ] === "]" ) { let pos = displayName.lastIndexOf( "[" ) ; if ( pos !== -1 ) { // found it - separate it from the scenario name scenarioId = displayName.substr( pos+1, displayName.length-pos-2 ).trim() ; scenarioName = displayName.substr( 0, pos ).trim() ; } } return [ scenarioId, scenarioName ] ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- export function makeCollapsibleList( caption, vals, maxItems, style ) { if ( ! vals || vals.length === 0 ) return null ; let items=[], excessItems=[] ; let excessItemsRef=null, excessItemsMoreRef=null, flipButtonRef=null ; for ( let i=0 ; i < vals.length ; ++i ) { let item ; if ( typeof vals[i] === "string" ) item =
  • ; else item =
  • {vals[i]}
  • ; // nb: we assume we were given JSX ( i < maxItems ? items : excessItems ).push( item ) ; } function flipExcessItems() { const pos = flipButtonRef.src.lastIndexOf( "/" ) ; const show = flipButtonRef.src.substr( pos ) === "/collapsible-down.png" ; = show ? "block" : "none" ; flipButtonRef.src = show ? "/images/collapsible-up.png" : "/images/collapsible-down.png" ; = show ? "none" : "block" ; } if ( excessItems.length === 0 ) caption = {caption+":"} ; else caption = {caption} ({vals.length}) ; let onClick, style2 ; if ( excessItems.length > 0 ) { onClick = flipExcessItems ; style2 = { cursor: "pointer" } ; } return (
    {caption} { excessItems.length > 0 && flipButtonRef=r} alt="Show/hide extra items." /> }
    { excessItems.length > 0 &&
    excessItemsMoreRef=r}> more...
    ) ; } export function makeCommaList( vals ) { let result = [] ; if ( vals ) { for ( let i=0 ; i < vals.length ; ++i ) { result.push( vals[i] ) ; if ( i < vals.length-1 ) result.push( ", " ) ; } } return result ; } export function makeSmartBulletList( caption, vals, className ) { caption =
    ; if ( !vals || vals.length === 0 ) return caption ; else if ( vals.length === 1 ) return


    ; else { let bullets = (v,i) =>
  • {v}
  • ) ; return
    ; } } export function bytesDisplayString( nBytes ) { if ( nBytes === 1 ) return "1 byte" ; var vals = [ "bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB" ] ; for ( let i=1 ; i < vals.length ; i++ ) { if ( nBytes < Math.pow( 1024, i ) ) return ( Math.round( ( nBytes / Math.pow(1024,i-1) ) * 100 ) / 100 ) + " " + vals[i-1] ; } return nBytes ; } export function slugify( val ) { return val.toLowerCase().replace( " ", "-" ) ; } export function pluralString( n, str1, str2 ) { if ( n === 1 ) return n + " " + str1 ; else return n + " " + (str2 ? str2 : str1+"s") ; } export function ciCompare( lhs, rhs ) { return lhs.localeCompare( rhs, undefined, { sensitivity: "base" } ) ; } export function isNumeric( val ) { if ( val === null || val === undefined ) return false ; val = val.trim() ; if ( val === "" ) return false ; return ! isNaN( val ) ; } export function isLink( val ) { if ( val.substr(0,7) === "http://" || val.substr(0,8) === "https://" ) return true ; if ( val.substr(0,7) === "file://" ) return true ; return false ; }