# Set the TAG environment variable to set the image tag e.g. # TAG=testing docker-compose build ... # # Set the ENABLE_TESTS build argument to support test functionality in the containers e.g. # docker-compose build --build-arg ENABLE_TESTS=1 # # DBCONN is a database connection string that is passed straight through to the Flask container. # However, if we're talking to a SQLite database, we also need to mount the file into the container. # This is done via the SQLITE variable, but since Docker doesn't allow any way to do things conditionally, # it needs to be set even if it's not being used :-/ # # See the run-containers.sh script that manages all of this. version: "3" services: web: image: asl-articles-web:$TAG build: web ports: - "3002:80" flask: image: asl-articles-flask:$TAG build: context: . args: ENABLE_TESTS: $ENABLE_TESTS ports: - "5002:5000" volumes: - $SQLITE:/data/sqlite.db environment: - DBCONN