""" Helper utilities. """ import re import typing import logging from flask import jsonify, abort import lxml.html.clean _html_whitelists = None _startup_logger = logging.getLogger( "startup" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_request_args( vals, arg_names, log=None ): """Unload the arguments from a Flask request.""" arg_names = [ _parse_arg_name( k ) for k in arg_names ] vals = { a[0]: vals.get( a[0] ) for a in arg_names } vals = { k: v.strip() if isinstance(v,str) else v for k,v in vals.items() } if log: log[0].debug( "%s", log[1] ) for a in arg_names: log[0].debug( "- %s = %s", a[0], str(vals[a[0]]) ) # check for required arguments required = [ a[0] for a in arg_names if a[1] ] required = [ r for r in required if r not in vals or not vals[r] ] if required: abort( 400, "Missing required values: {}".format( ", ".join( required ) ) ) return vals def clean_request_args( vals, fields, warnings, logger ): """Clean incoming data.""" cleaned = {} for f in fields: f = _parse_arg_name( f )[ 0 ] if isinstance( vals[f], str ): val2 = clean_html( vals[f] ) if val2 != vals[f]: vals[f] = val2 cleaned[f] = val2 logger.debug( "Cleaned HTML: %s => %s", f, val2 ) warnings.append( "Some values had HTML cleaned up." ) return cleaned def _parse_arg_name( arg_name ): """Parse a request argument name.""" if arg_name[0] == "*": return ( arg_name[1:], True ) # required argument return ( arg_name, False ) # optional argument def make_ok_response( extras=None, updated=None, warnings=None ): """Generate a Flask 'success' response.""" resp = { "status": "OK" } if extras: resp.update( extras ) if updated: resp[ "updated" ] = updated if warnings: resp[ "warnings" ] = list( set( warnings ) ) # nb: remove duplicate messages return jsonify( resp ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def clean_html( val, allow_tags=None, safe_attrs=None ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches """Sanitize HTML using a whitelist.""" # check if we need to do anything if val is None: return None val = val.strip() if not val: return val # fixup smart quotes and dashes def replace_chars( val, ch, targets ): for t in targets: if isinstance( t, typing.Pattern ): val = t.sub( ch, val ) else: assert isinstance( t, str ) val = val.replace( t, ch ) return val val = replace_chars( val, '"', [ "\u00ab", "\u00bb", "\u201c", "\u201d", "\u201e", "\u201f" ] ) val = replace_chars( val, "'", [ "\u2018", "\u2019", "\u201a", "\u201b", "\u2039", "\u203a" ] ) val = replace_chars( val, r"\1 - \2", [ re.compile( r"(\S+)\u2014(\S+)" ) ] ) val = replace_chars( val, "-", [ "\u2014" ] ) # FUDGE! lxml replaces HTML entities with their actual character :-/ It's possible to stop it from doing this, # by passing in an ElementTree, which gives us an ElementTree back, and we can then control how it is serialized # back into a string e.g. # html = lxml.html.fromstring( val ) # html = cleaner.clean_html( html ) # val = lxml.html.tostring( html, encoding="ascii" ).decode( encoding="ascii" ) # but the original HTML entities are converted into numeric e.g. "è" => "è" :-/ # We hack around this by replacing all HTML entities with a special marker string, clean the HTML, # then replace all the marker strings with their original HTML entities :-/ markers = {} matches = list( re.finditer( "&[a-z]+;", val ) ) matches = reversed( matches ) for n,mo in enumerate(matches): marker = "[!${}$!]".format( n ) markers[ marker ] = mo.group() val = val[:mo.start()] + marker + val[mo.end():] # strip the HTML args = {} if allow_tags is None: allow_tags = _html_whitelists.get( "tags" ) elif allow_tags == []: allow_tags = [ "" ] # nb: this is how we remove everything :-/ if allow_tags: args[ "allow_tags" ] = allow_tags args[ "remove_unknown_tags" ] = None if safe_attrs is None: safe_attrs = _html_whitelists.get( "attrs" ) elif safe_attrs == []: safe_attrs = [ "" ] # nb: this is how we remove everything :-/ if safe_attrs: args[ "safe_attrs" ] = safe_attrs cleaner = lxml.html.clean.Cleaner( **args ) buf = cleaner.clean_html( val ) # restore the HTML entities for marker,entity in markers.items(): buf = buf.replace( marker, entity ) # clean up the results while True: buf = buf.strip() prev_buf = buf buf = re.sub( " +", " ", buf ) # nb: we don't use "\s+" to preserve newlines buf = re.sub( r"^\s+", "", buf, re.MULTILINE ) buf = re.sub( r"\s+$", "", buf, re.MULTILINE ) for tag in ["body","div","span"]: if buf.startswith( "<{}>".format(tag) ) and buf.endswith( "".format(tag) ): buf = buf[ len(tag)+2 : -len(tag)-3 ] if buf == prev_buf: break if buf.startswith( "

" ) and buf.endswith( "

" ): buf2 = buf[ 3: -4 ] if "

" not in buf2 and "

" not in buf2: buf = buf2 return buf.strip() def load_html_whitelists( app ): """Load the HTML whitelists.""" global _html_whitelists assert _html_whitelists is None def parse_whitelist( key ): whitelist = app.config.get( key, "" ) whitelist = whitelist.replace( ",", " " ) whitelist = [ s.strip() for s in whitelist.split(" ") ] whitelist = [ s for s in whitelist if s ] _startup_logger.debug( "Configured %s: %s", key, whitelist ) return whitelist _html_whitelists = { "tags": parse_whitelist( "HTML_TAG_WHITELIST" ), "attrs": parse_whitelist( "HTML_ATTR_WHITELIST" ) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def clean_tags( tags, warnings ): """Remove HTML from tags.""" cleaned_tags = [ clean_html( t, allow_tags=[], safe_attrs=[] ) for t in tags ] if cleaned_tags != tags: warnings.append( "Some values had HTML removed." ) return cleaned_tags def encode_tags( tags ): """Encode tags prior to storing them in the database.""" if not tags: return None return "\n".join( t.lower() for t in tags ) def decode_tags( tags ): """Decode tags after loading them from the database.""" if not tags: return None return tags.split( "\n" ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def apply_attrs( obj, vals ): """Update an object's attributes.""" for k,v in vals.items(): setattr( obj, k, v ) def to_bool( val ): """Interpret a value as a boolean.""" if val is None: return None val = str( val ).lower() if val in ["yes","true","enabled","1"]: return True if val in ["no","false","disabled","0"]: return False return None